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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does positive thinking really get you anything you want?

Question: Does positive thinking really get you anything you want!?
My sister had me watch the Secret again and my whole family seems brainwashed on it!. Everything these people did in there to get rich was not just think postively!. They were rich already, they made the right contacts, they knew the right people!. They knew how to use people to their advantage!. So is that the right way to get what you want I don't think thinking positively really does it!. Mostly it's 10% hard work and 90% percent how you can screw people over!. Tesla was a positive thinker yet he died poor because he was nice and didn't believe in taking advantage of people!. He belived in free energy and everything we have today can be atributed to him, but for all that every rich man made an obscene profit off of his work!. I don't think just thinking positively will really get you what you want!. And it really bothers me when people say just think positively!. That won't change the fact that gas prices are too high for anyone living in the real world could prosper!. So what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you!. It may only benefit in lowering stress but if you use it to get what you want and not get it, it will probably cause more stress!.

Its so awesome you know about Nikola Tesla he is one of my most favorite people ever! Its so sad how his life ended!. He was a great person with a wonderful mind!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, we won't accomplish anything intentionally if we don't first think that we will, so in that sense, positive thinking "works"!. It's not magic, though!. It doesn't make something happen on its own!. Just imagining lower gas prices won't lower them, but positive thinking about something real that you can do, or positive thinking about being able to find something that you can do, is necessary before you actually can do something real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tesla had a wonderful mind but he was a poor buisnessman!. He worked for Edison in his early years in America while Edison was trying to electrify America's cities with Direct Current and this had a lot of limitations because DC is nearly impossible to transmit over distance!. It took a George Westinghouse and Alternating Current to electrify rural America and truly make electrification of peoples homes safe and reliable!. Obscene profit!? Profit is the engine that makes progress possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive thinking does not automatically get you want you want but it is alot easier on the mind and body to use it than to think negative thoughts about anything!!! Remember the mind has the power to overcome many obstacles like physical rehabitation etc!.!!! Live with hope not despair that is a good motto!!! also you move more people your way if you use positive thinking , and isn't that half the game!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think positive thinking alone works!. It drives me nuts how people put so much merit in the book "The Secret!." That 'secret' has been around for thousands of years!.

You have to have action as well as positive thinking!. And faith!. God knows your every need, and He won't let you down if you have faith!. But you have to do your part!. I know, that's easier said than done!.

Being rich isn't a great goal, anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, like most things in the Universe; it's relative!.

A positive attitude helps us with our co-workers; it helps us adjust to disappointment; it helps us with our attitude toward life in general and can influence others in a positive manner related to their opinion of us!.

If we over do it it can become an invitation for abuse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think positively about flying and then jump off a bridge!. does that help!? Absolutely not!. Positive thinking helps the journey and gives you more motivation to get things done!. Wayne Gretzky say the shot not taken is the goal that isn't scored!. This is saying thinking positively also helps us attempt things we wouldn't usually attempt, which may come out successful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vivianna, Sweety positive thinking is nothing more than positive thinking!.It is a good thing but there is an explanation behind it ! Everything good comes from God!. There is nothing mystical about it!. But be aware that the devil will sometimes use giving us our desires to set us up for his dark schemes !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that thinking positively only makes people like you , admire you !. You won't really get what you want that is too much!. Working hard for the things you want is better!. Not like those bussiness men! Rich men are so proud, I think they only put in 1% SOFT work and 99% of craziness over money!. Yeah!This is reality!!!

Bunnie BonesWww@QuestionHome@Com

At least it gets you started on what you feel should be done with your life!. Being an eternal pessimist like me would only further distance you from your achievement!. Being a pessimist is not just a sick habit, it also gives you pleasure; imagine to rot with all other losers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in the power of positive thinking, but that doesn't mean that there isn't work involved!. Plus I also believe that if you are not 100% convinced about what you want it won't work to your advantage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive thinking wont get you anything!.
Positive actions will!. If you want it, you have to go get it!.
Thinking about it wont bring it to you!.
Unless your Professor Xavier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well for me I have to think positive and be happy if not I might end up just like everyone else that is SICK and tired of doing the same thing over and over again for me positive thinking is the only way to goWww@QuestionHome@Com

All in moderation!.!.!. We must seek the Lord before, and He will provide!. It may not be exactly what we asked for, but as the saying goes; be careful what you wish for!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Negative thinking certainly won't!. So it's positive thinking or perhaps no thinking at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not everything but it sure helps !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It worked 25 years ago but not in todays world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actions speak louder than thoughtsWww@QuestionHome@Com

It may not get you everything you want to think positive but it sure does make it alot better!. And yes I have noticed if I concentrate on something I want really bad I ususally get it within 1-3 years!. It doesn't magically show up on your doorstep the next day!. Like I pictured myself getting braces and I was 19 when I pictured this at 21 I got my wish and was able to get braces!. I didnt have the money or the credit but somehow I was approved! Or sometimes I think about friends that I haven't talked to in years and out of the blue they'll call me or contact me!. Or I had been thinking about being pregnant!.!.now there's no way I should have gotten pregnant but I did!. Or little things like wanting an Ice coffee and a co-worker will come in and say here I thought you might want an ice coffee!.!.!. Plus it's nice if something bad happens to you, you can say to yourself ok well it might have been worse!.!.like a bill comes in that you didnt expect for 100 dollars ok that's bad, but not having a job to pay that 100 would be worse and that makes you feel better!. So yes in a way it does!.!.!. right now I'm concentrating on getting 50,000 dollars to pay off every bill I have and get a down payment on a home and fix my car!. I'll keep you posted when that happens!.

Leslie An!.!. I believe in god and I ask him for the positive things and I thank him for them before I ever receive!. them!.!. Ask and Ye shall receive!. In the secret they refer to god and use his scriptures!. Please don't talk about things you know nothing of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive thinking may have benefits, Vivi, but it is not the whole point of life!. There is a God who loves us and wants a relationship with us!. The positive thinkers leave Him out of their way of life!. They very self-centeredly think about what they want and what will be good for them!. There is so much more to life and spirituality than that!. The way a person thinks pos/neg does affect their life - but this guy makes it a whole religion - and that is wrong!

John 3:16 says that God loved the whole world so much that He gave His only son to pay the price for our sins and to reconcile us to God!. Even God was not just looking out for # 1!.

I take my cues from God and learn from the Bible!. God is a huge advocate of giving to others and not just being selfish!. So much that is good and that helps people was developed by people who cared about others and about the world!.

I will not waste my time on rubbish like "the secret"!. It will take me the rest of my life to learn how to be more like Jesus!. It is nice to have my own way - but if that is all I lived for I'd be a spoiled brat!. I've found it is also pretty wonderful to do something good for someone else - even more so if they never find out it was me who did it for them!. That puts a glow inside my heart that nothing else can match!.

You are right to be skeptical of what this book advocates!. If you are a praying person, pray for your family that they don't get sucked into and spiritually lost by this bogus "spiritual" movement!. It is the same old greed just placed in 21st century wrapping paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive thinking merely allows your creative side of the brain to unleash itself and foster in your attitude an aire of "can do" and "will do" versus "I can't, I can't, I can't"!. Remember the ole saying "Can't never did nothing"!.

If you start EACH day by standing in front of a mirror and telling yourself several times (50 or more if necessary) I can, I can, I can, I will!. Do it as often and as frequently as you feel the need for "reinforcement" to keep your mid on the positive path!. Don't allow ANY negative thoughts to enter your mind!.

A problem is merely an opportunity to succeed by doing it differently!. Remember that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com