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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of my poem? What do you think is the message here?

Question: What do you think of my poem!? What do you think is the message here!?
As noon turned into dirty dusk
The determined man brought with his sack
It was a heavy burden that he had to carry on his back!.

He never once budged or complained!.
The job at hand was challenging, but rewarding,
And even though the ma's situation was not according
He seemed to be at peace!.

His mind was clear and was to be remained unmoved
He knew exactly what to do
There was no payoff for his troubles
Yet he knew that the task was due!.

His body had to suffer for just a couple feet
But once his onus would be over there would be no defeat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! This is a really great poem!. I think that it's talking about a guy that had to do something, and even though it didn't benefit him at all, he knew he had to do it, because it was his duty!. Wow!. This is great!. The more I try to figure out what it means, even though it seems simple at first, it gets more complicated!. It's like!.!.!.!.deep!. lol!. Keep writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

thank you for reminding us that we are not a body!

peace to you my brotherWww@QuestionHome@Com