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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do people do the right thing only because it is in their own interests??? tell m

Question: Do people do the right thing only because it is in their own interests!?!?!? tell me your opinions!?
quick example-
Good deed: Self interest
give money to a homless person: feel good

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you mean just to fill their own interest or satisfaction people do good deeds!?
There are some people like that whether conciously or not, with out any doubt sometimes we are just like that!. I would think it is not always the same!. Because sometimes the same people too help or do such good deeds out of true generosity!. Though there were really those who used to be already genuinely good hearted with a very compassionate heart!.
Although that is also true, we feel worthy when we are needed!. As long as we can handle the lot!. We feel good when we know we are being worthy of others!. But that doesn't really mean with only for personal gratification of our ego!.
Most probably with some other situation!. There are cases of some, when a person helps purely just because of desiring a personal motive for oneself!.
Human nature is basically good!. That when someone is truly in need, there is a natural reaction that provoke us to sympathy or compassion!.
The urge of a give and take relationship!. That is just but one of a natural instinct to all of us!. As being human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People seldom have any concept of what is in their best interest!. If we didn't have huge walls of denial our every act would be too intimidating to pursue!. Most people think whatever they do is grand, they act out the morals of their ancestors and/or culture while they think of themselves as freer or more upright than the standards of others!.

Every act has innumerable good and bad consequences!. No action is purely evil and no action is purely good!.

If society flows smoothly, it is to most people's benefit, so normative behavior IS in a person's best interest at least on some levels, but that is of course not why anyone THINKS they behave a certain way!.

Some people don't even know why they give money to a homeless person!. I feel good when I don't give in to the please of a homeless person because I believe giving money only aggravates the problem!. But since every act has a good and a bad side, I am at least 50% wrong, and in denial!. Good for me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sometimes we do the right thing because it is the right thing and it has nothing to do with personal interest!. But, sadly a lot of times people will only do the right thing if it is of personal interest or gain, but then it isn't the right thing it becomes the selfish thing!. Doing the right thing for someone else is rarely easy, or fun, that is why it is rare but always worth it!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no selfless act!.
which means everything u do benifits u in some
way shape or form!.!.!. even if all it does makes u feel
good, you do it!.i would love to believe that people do
the right thing sometimes "just cus"!. but it just doessnt
happen that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not everyone who does a good dead, does it for recognition!. There are lots of people who give in big & small ways and don't brag about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

good point!. never thought of it that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com