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Position:Home>Philosophy> How thin is the line between madness and sanity?

Question: How thin is the line between madness and sanity!?
Thanks in advance for answering!. Peace and Love to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Madness is caused by imbalance!.
It's when any one of the normal behaviour patterns, thinking patterns or emotional patterns becomes excessive!.

The line is only thin when there is already a tendancy towards excess in certain areas of emotion or thought!.

Genius can be close to madness because an excess of 'yang' driving, intellectual creative energy can bring about amazing invention!.!.!.!.!.but when it swings past a certain point it!.!.!.!.!.well !.!.it goes over the top!.!.!.!.and then it swings back into the other extreme of lethargy and depression!.!.!.!.overly 'Yin'
Equal and opposite reactions!.

Lot's of love and keep balancing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Between genius and insanity there lies a fine line !.!.!. the width of this space or line* is relative to the perceptions and ideologies of the interpreter!. Factually madness or insanity is a loss of one’s mental faculties, incoherent and ideological thought, irrational exuberance etc!. Quite easy to diagnose prescribe in ordinary normal person!.

The issue is raised usually in regards to genius and insanity and this is almost impossible to determine!. The difference between a well regarded and received genius and he who is considered insane is communication!. Genius without linguistical prowess is made illegible, imprecise and dismissed as the mutterings of an imbecile!.

Sanity is a calm composed rational person!. Madness is a mental defect, illness, disturbance caused by illness, trauma or a head injury!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they can overlap and are capable of existing simultaneously in a person!. Reason for this is that the legal usage of the term insanity differs from the common usage!. common usage has insanity as synonomous with madness!. Legal usage defines sanity as knowing the difference between right and wrong and thus insanity is the inability to differentiate between right and wrong!. Madness is just plain crazy, or it could be a simple mental disorder!. There are many schizophrenics that know the difference between right and wrong and there are many considered perfectly healthy mentally that don't really seem to know the difference between legal and illegal actions!.
Hope I helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

very thick, you slowly develop mental illness!. usully due to thought, because thinking either conciously or sub-conciously is what leads to the path of insanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

extremely thin!. You do know that extreme geniuses are on that very thin line, they could snap at anytime, and most do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The line is so thin that is thinner the air and I can say it is invisible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very thin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you keep asking this , I"LL HAVE TO KILL YOU! It's that thin!.