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Position:Home>Philosophy> Things to do before the world ends (2012)?

Question: Things to do before the world ends (2012)!?
Plz dont try to convince me the world is not going to end in 2012, im just saying IF it did what would you do before you die!? And how old are you lol!. ^^


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My "Bucket List" :

1!. Apologize to the ppl i should i apologize to
2!. Find my religion
3!. Show her that ive always loved her
4!. Help a hobo out there in the streets
5!. Clean my room
6!. Travel the world

im 17!. its not much but thats my list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm nearly 60, so if the world does end in 2012 I will still have had a reasonable innings!. If I beleived categorically that the world would end then, I probably would'nt change my behaviour much, but I'd probably drink, smoke and party til I dropped at every oppurtunity, and I'd stop reading newspapers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am thirteen!. I would do everything I've ever wanted to do:-) !. I would travel the entire world, bust my a*s too get an acting career, and generally just launch myself at the remainder of my life!. If only i had the same mentality now!.!.!. X x xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would stop studying and leave school!. Enjoy parties and drinking with mates!.Drink alot of beer!. Travel the world!. Find true love!. Become more spirtual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh man the year before i graduate! And no more 12-12-12 or 4-04-04s anymore!Www@QuestionHome@Com

tell my boyfriend i love himWww@QuestionHome@Com

To old to Worry about this ,,The Jehovah witnesses all went up a mountain years ago,,,Saying the World would end,,,i don't think sitting high on a Mountain,,would save you,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com