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Question: Choices!.!.!.!.!.!?
How can one reconcile that they have made wrong choices with their life in regards to jobs, friends, money!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My philosophy is this!.!.!.!.!.Never regret anything you've done, for a some point it is exactly what you wanted!. It's now up to you do decide if that is how you want to keep going!. If not, change it!. Learn from your mistakes and move on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Certainly our species CAN enjoy its greatest FREEDOM, that being choice!. How we choose, or what; falls on us, usually after the fact!.

Choice should bring knowledge, negative or positive, and that hopefully allows wisdom!. I'm not sure "Justifying" or "Reconciling" is even relevant, given variables not in our control!. The issue might more relate to how we again CHOOSE, and use the knowledge we have learned to re-direct our time left!.

Justifying suggests lingering doubt, possible fear, then perhaps paranoia!.

Example, albeit minor: Today I choose to spend $3 on Lottery!. Is that a "Good" choice!? Who is to judge!? Certainly after the fact I might consider that I "wasted" $3, but initially I spent the money for a dollar dream!. Obviously that's a superficial analogy, but many of us also OVER think choices, never meet challenges, never consider possible positive outcomes, and cease to actually "LIVE" a life that pushes against us all the time!.

The choice for me, at least, is to PUSH BACK, even after the realization that I chose wrongly the first time,,, hopefully the only time, in any given situation!.

Just my two "sense"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone makes mistakes! It is the wise one who learns from them!. The choices we make depend on many factors ruling at that time!. Seldom do we deliberately make a wrong choice!. Its the tests of time that prove whether the choice was well-made or not!.!.!.

The moment it dawns on us that the choice is not right/favourable, is the point of action/introspection!. Now we have to see what options are available to us!.!.!.Can we get out of the situation not any worse!? Or, maintaining status quo, for the time being, is more prudent!? Start looking for alternatives!. Take the best course after weighing all the pros & cons!.

Sometimes we have to change the way we think if we reach the dead-end & accept the situation!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is always easier when looking back!.what i could of ,,should of,would have,,but you are in the now not the back then!. Today is the day !.don't waste your time looking back not to make good choices today!.!.Today is what counts!.looking back does nothing but make you feel bad,,Look forward remember the the future is so good you might have to wear shades!. take careWww@QuestionHome@Com

making wrong choices are just a part of life and learning!. you go on with the lessons you have learned, finding ways to correct the damage!. You cannot always expect people to be forgiving, but those are the people who are not your true friends!. True friends are the ones who understand that we all make mistakes and help us fix what we can and live with what we cannot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the whole point of making mistakes is to not do them again, and learn from them!. And the magnitude of these mistakes tests of strength and endurance till we come to a brighter truth!. Not every mistake has to be a con, its just how you perceive it!. The world is not painted in black and white!.!.!.!.and you can't tell how deep the water is without wading in it!. Life is all about risks, in fact life is a risk itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One must accept his mistake and forgive himself and make that mistake a footnote so he will not have the same mistake again in the future because no matter what we do we cannot bring back the moment of that mistake again to correct it!.!.!. so the only answer is acceptance and forgiveness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time cannot be turned back!. All you can do is to try and fix it!. If it can't be fixed, accept it, learn from it- so it doesn't happen again, and move on!.

Talk to loved ones, let them be there for you!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

When one can fix the problem that has occurred from the wrong choice then do it!. If not possible then accept the wrong choice and learn from your error and do not repeat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is called experience, the school of life etc etc!. As long as one learns, and moves on, all will be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once we admit we are human and all are imperfect we can forgive our own short comings and move on with our lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

never regret take everything in ur stride n move on, its never too late to improvise!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

throw it behind you continue forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com