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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can a person truly accept themselves and their surroundings in the present?

Question: Can a person truly accept themselves and their surroundings in the present!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In many folks there is an emptiness, a longing for something they can't explain!. Its not found in man's wisdom or philosophy since man is not made of himself!. I was never satisfied with my surroundings or myself!. I am now at peace with myself and my surrounding since I went on a search for truth!. We cannot change the world from being crazy!. You will not find the answer in man's deep far out philosophy!. Neither will you find the peace in the material things of this world!. You see man does not have the answer!. God has the answer!. Most will never be able to accept themselfs or thier surroundings untill they are willing to be held accountable to the one God who created them!. Only he that is of the good ground and of an honest and sincere heart will the Word of God find and grow!. Only he who hungers and thirst after rightiousness can find peace!. I have found that peace not because of my goodness but because I was not willing to accept myself as I was!. When I found God my surroundings changed!. I don't go the same places or run with the same crowd since I received the love of God shed abround in my heart by His spirit!. Jesus said he had water to give where we would never thirst again!. Now there is no emptyness!. Now there is no longing but for more of Him since I found a place of repentance according to Acts 2:28-39!. God is not a respecter of persons!. If you come to Him in sincere repentance, that is repenting of everything you feel is ofensive to Him according to His word you will find Him and His great peace!. Only then will your heart be full of joy unspeakable and full of glory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some can and some cannot!. also for some individuals sometimes!.

It depends on ones gifts of perception and understanding!. Moderation should be employed between the extremes of knowing and seeking improvement!. Lack of such moderation leads to impatiece or complacencey!.

The most you can do is the best that you can!. Know yourself and you will know your best that you can do for yourself or surrondings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my opinion is no not truly!. mankind has gotten so of track from the basics its sad!. we all want more more more, theres always something , someone , somewhere sometime that we feel is not good enough , or insecure about !. no one wants to feel left out of the crowd or up with the times, the rat race is on !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they can and should but most people don't!. The problem is that most do not see reality as it is and rather wish things were different and believe if they wish enough that will become reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think we can!. We either see ourselves as over or underachieving!. I can not accept my surroundings!. Thus I will be changing them shortly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. We are truly happy people because we know we have given our all at whatever we attempt!. Self confidence in oneself is a gift from parents that benefits us throught our lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It may be possible but is often quite difficult if the present is likewise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm!.!.!. interesting question!.

if one accepts, is their still a reason to live!?Www@QuestionHome@Com