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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does god if there is one always take away the people that you love.and dont

Question: Why does god if there is one always take away the people that you love!.and dont take the bad ones away!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
because if you all knew where the good were going you'd all be committing suicide!!!
what makes us think that this earth is the soul reason for living and that god if there is one goes around snatching good people to take them to nothing!?
this earth and its life if nothing more than hell and when we deserve to move to the good level of existence then our number will be up and just like your number coming up on the lotto you'll be elevated to the next level
the bad are probably reincarnated into runts of a litter so they see that life is precious and that you will be rewarded

if you have lost someone you love don't dispare thinking that's it they are just in a different form in a higher place because they realised the beauty and meaning of this life!.
look outside your window everything is beautiful perfect and yours!!!!

one day you too will be the one missed and you too will be the higher being,but until then love every moment this life has to offer you be thank full for your health and surroundings and don't dwell on losses but rejoice the fact that their where they belong,its OK to miss someone and to feel left behind but not to feel that they should be still here just because you miss them!.
i wish you all the best and hope you can see the world for the beautiful place it is because its full of love and laughter
take care sweet pea xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is a loaded question, and indeed not fair to God!!!
It just seems to you that God takes the one you love always, but when the number is up IT IS UP!!!! The power of the mind should remind you that bad people are not bad to all, or for
that matter good ones are not good to all!!!Life is quoted as
not being fair, or you receive what you can handle!!! Live with
the flow or live with the cards that are dealt to you and adjust your inner most feelings to move on with just the fondness
for that person to live on in your heart!!! MOVE ON!!!!! That is what God intended!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When the ones we love die or leave we get hurt and we usually blame God for it but if you think about it, humans die at some point and it is human nature that dictates where we want to be!. For the ones who hurt us, God won't take them away for the sole reason of building our character!. Humans learn lifes lessons the hard way and we always get hurt, and that is just the purpose of the people who do hurt us!.

I hope you won't blame God for everything bad that happens to you!. Remember, we have free will!. We stir our lives the way we want it to go and so does everybody else!. So whatever the people we love or hate decide about their lives it will affect us, just as we affect theirs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its not God that takes them away, its free will, its the evil that exists!. God created the world, but Satan walks its halls trying to bring down and discourage as many of us as He can!.

It breaks God's heart, but He has this wonderful way of being able to turn all things to good, and if we could see the bigger picture we would get that!.

Another to remember is sometimes he doesn't take the bad because just like a field, if you pull the weed too fast sometimes you kill the good plant too!. You have to wait for the good to be sustainable before you start pulling out the bad!.

I'm in my 30s and I have lost 20 loved ones including my father, boyfriends, best friends, grand parents so I speak from experience!.

If you doubt there is a God ask Him to show Himself to you and you will be amazed!.

I am sorry that you have lost loved ones!. Nothing is so painful as having to carry the weight of someone you love around in your heart because they no longer have a body!. One thing that sustains me, remembering this life is but a vapor and in eternity I will see my loved ones, be with them forever, paint the sky and have eternal joy!.

Much love and peace to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi! I have had my father, 2 brothers and friends die and searched for the answers!. I used to think there had to be a good reason!. Then, as I got older, I realized that God can see the future and we can't!. He can see what is going to happen to that baby or teen or adult and what it is going to do to him or people around him or her!. Maybe a week later, that person was going to drink and drive and kill 10 people in an accident!. Maybe, that person was going to be worse off in one day than they are today!. He would never want to hurt us but we have finite brains and can't see all the circumstances in complete perfection!. God has a better grip on what will do better for the person and the world!. If there was no God, nothing would make sense because all would be relative to our own feelings!. The world would be more of a chaotic place!. If we choose to believe in God, what do we have to loose!? We don't have to keep asking questions if we really trust him!. Life gets less stressful because we know he is in charge and will do what is right even when we don't think it is the right thing to do!. You learn to be grateful for allowing the time we have with a good person!. I thank God every day for every little thing that is good in my life and even the bad things because I learn from them!. I just trust that he will do what is best!. I am so grateful for the time with my husband, kids and friends he allowed in my life!. Just keep looking for positives not negatives!. You sound so sad and hurt!. I cried for days for loosing my loved ones!. I hope in the future, life gets better for you!. God Bless you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

God doesn't steal away the people we love to hurt us!. God loves us and sent His son to help us so we could have a relationship with God!. God wants to help us in our life, no matter what may be happening!.

God will judge people after their death and they will have to answer for how they lived and how they related to Jesus Christ - did they accept his sacrifice and did they love and obey God!.

The bad people will face a terrifiying eternity!. They may seem to have it all their way here, but they will not get away with anything when God judges their life!.

PS I know my answer is not very comforting!. I am sorry for your loss and God really does care about you!. I've lost people I cared for also and learned that I can go to God in my sadness and know He will listen to me and care about me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if he existed, which of course he doesn't, he might ask what you think he did with Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and all those they fry in the electric chair in USA!.

And to Fait Lux - are you sure they didn't just leave to get away from your tedious, bible bashing, fairy stories!? Or commit suicide!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I know what you mean!.! !.!.!.!.!.Its the old saying, 'The Good go first'!.!.!.!.!.!.I think personally that is a bit of a myth!. I have found people who have worked hard labouring lives have lived longer, whose to say!. I have found people with very little material wealth happier than those with it all!.!. They say Life on Earth is Hell itself and we are judged by God how we have led our lives here!.!. He then decides from that what to give us in the next life!. Hence if you lead a good life on earth he will give you a good life next time round!. If you have led a bad life you will be punished in the next life with hardship and trauma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God does not take them!. The rigours of life with illness and murders etc take them!.
Remember also, painful though it might be that there is always someone somewhere that loves somebody and that includes what you know or believe are bad people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If everything what we want, could do 100 percent through our means, then of course, u also think, it could be a great disaster,
This is the only thing which we must believe that we could try for the best but what is best for us, this we dont know, and that is the creator of this mankind who know through his knowledge all and all and alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is everything, that is undertaker as well!.
We all have only limited time on this planet, so when the time is up, don′t blame God for it!. Good and bad, all has to go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you know that the people you love aren't the bad ones!? There are certainly some in my family!.

Seriously, I think it only seems like this happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he wants the good people to go to heaven right away and the bad people to stay suffering on Earth!. God takes good people away from you because he loves you and those people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know what ur saying its a cruel place we live but its just the way of the world!.!. we have to content ourselves and belive in judgement day when the bad ones will be caught out!.!. i hope its true :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

To kepp the balance of good and evil!. Eg!. Yin & Yang!. But i know what you mean my nan had to give up her hospital bed for a suicide case :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

``at the time of our loss;we tend 2 blame someone;god just dosen,t decide whom 2 take,that disaster in china,that has took many lives,r we gonna blame god``nature plays a big part in our lives;;Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really dont know the answer to that but i would also like to know as he took away my unborn sister and my grandmaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone born has to die sometime!. Why impute motives to an external Agency for a natural occurrence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

cause satan rules this world and he keeps the nasty ones!.!.!.!.god is waiting to see how many will believe in him and jesus!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To my knowledge, everyone dies, not just the good ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are in Heaven and the bad ones are here suffering on Earth/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who are the "bad ones" you are referring to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me thats about as much evidence as you need to show there isn't one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because there really is no man living in a cloud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cus e don't like you, get over itWww@QuestionHome@Com

they do it's just you don't notice as muchWww@QuestionHome@Com