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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you an INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person ?

Question: Are you an INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person !?
I met this girl online about a year ago!. We were supposed to meet each other in the
fall!. We had our shares of ups and downs
but she really loves me!. She tells me all the time!. But a few weeks ago, she met a new guy!. They went out a few times!. And they made out, too the other night!. She called me
back the next day, and still said that she loved me and wanted me to be around!. But
her boyfriend was in the same room with her!.
And made her say goodbye to me!. She said
she could not talk to me anymore in a very
sad voice!. I think that this man is going to hurt her deeply!. What should I do !? Do you
think that this woman will call me back !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes she will call you back, WHEN
when she is lonely,
when she is depressed,

No, I don't believe the guy she is with will hurt,
But if you keep this pretending romance with her,

You will get hurt, and broken hearted!.

I am sad to say, I think she is using you as a crutch, as a just in case fall back, for !.!.!.confidence, for money, for a place to stay, for!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

And she is really good at manipulation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am very intuitive and I must remind you that the guy with her in the room is real and warm and you are an idea really, long distance and a fantasy!.!.!.this will be a good lesson for you to learn if you will accept it!.!.!.and go out and find a real girl and kiss her!.!.!.

Oh she will call you if this doesn't work out between her and this guy but do you want to be second choice!? That is up to you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No offense, but I won't get into the details of the Q!.

I like to believe I have a high degree as an empath, but as a Human, I often stumble in the dark, with a candle in one hand, matches in the other, not ever truly connecting the two to see THE LIGHT!.

Just my two "sense"

BTW, this is not strictly a Philosophical Q!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she's playining you for a fool!. she's obviously crazy and evil!. how can you love somebody without even meeting them!? she doesn't know you!. and you don't know her!. if she does call you back, it will be just to suck you into her drama!. you have to ask yourself how much of that you can handle!. if the other guy hurts her, oh well!. not your problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The situation described requires 'common sense' rather than intuition or insight, to SEE what's happening here!

You are unable to see things objectively because you're closely involved!.

Whether the guy hurts her or not, you are going to get hurt in the process somehow!

Take care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Possibly!. But be careful: LET HER call *you!.* !.!.!. don't try to pursue 'a relationship' with her unless she opens the door first and makes clear she is interested!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am very insightiveWww@QuestionHome@Com

"it is better to have loved than, have never loved at all" It is better that you move on, for your own heart!. She is not worth your sorrow!. The longer you hang onto this, the longer it will be before you find the right one for you!. Learn from this and leave your heart open, don't let this make your heart bitter!. You cannot worry for her, she chose to exit your life!. So be it!. If she were to call again, it would behoove you to tell her that you are busy, nicely!. This, I know will be hard for you, but you must, for all concerned!. If she cared for you at all, it is just possible, she may call again!. If she does not, at least you are in the process of moving on with your lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Age and experience have given me the insight to say to you that even if she does contact you again I would stay clear of her!. Lets face facts when you truly love someone even when temptation is thrust in your face you do not cheat on them let alone "make out" with another!. She probably wants you around as her fall guy, you know that cute puppy who is always there!. Who knows how many "friends" she has on line!.
You will be the one who will be hurt deeply and insight shows me that you will never really trust her!. Again trust is someone that is worth it's weight in gold!.

My advise is say goodbye to this girl get yourself back into main stream life!. Join some clubs, take up a hobby that's gets you among people make friends and you know what without even really trying you WILL meet someone and find TRUE LOVE, TRUST and COMPANIONSHIP that will last forever!.

Live your life and be happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com