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Position:Home>Philosophy> A world full of men or a world full of women. Who would survive?

Question: A world full of men or a world full of women!. Who would survive!?
It the world was cloned and all men lived on one planet all women lived on the other!. Who would survive the longest !? Please give reasons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think both the planets will survive like the way we all have survived in this planet bcoz eventually they'll get adapted to their surroundings!.longetivity will depend on the food they'll prepare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say men!. Men are (in most cases) stronger than women (I know some women are also strong and I'm sure many could beat me in a fight) however men are stronger therefore more likely to be able to defend themselves from attack!. The male mind is also more logical thinking and more likely to overcome problems and be more inventive (yes women too have produced a lot of useful inventions however history shows the majority are produced by men) Men can be more like "pack" animals and will team up together to survive where as women are more individual by nature!.
Nasty question to ask, will make a few blokes sound chauvinistic when don't mean to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can I just say that the utterly stereotypical and rigid views of both men and women in the answers above me are disgusting!.

Neither would survive, because it appears that we are all too full of pride, and wondering how we can prove to the opposising planet that we are superior to actually think about survival!.

Survival is not based on gender, its based on instinct and whether you cut it!. What you are willing to do in order to survive etc!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well however long both survived it would be a very boring existence!!
In all seriousness I don't see why either sex would have an advantage over the other, in a planet full of people surely enough talent would surface to cope with most things of a practical nature!. Emotionally I suspect that us women would fare better, but unless one sex was driven to mass suicide by the absence of the other, I think the length of survival time would be equal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither would survive as they would be unable to reproduce, so ultimely the species would die out as the numbers got lower and lower!. This is what happens with an endangered species the numbers drop so low and eventually more die than survive and is they cannot breed in sufficient numbers the species would die out (become extinct)!. However, because women are supposed to live longer than men the men would be the first to become extinct!.

Another however, as man cannot survive without a woman (mother, sister, lover, wife) I am sure they would find a way to build some form of transport to take them to the female planet!. This would not be true the other way around as women can survive totally without men but would entertain then purely to breed, keeping the females and sending the males at age 12 back to live with the men!. When I say breed, as they are clones, it might not be in the way we normally think of increasing the species!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the world only had men or only had women how could the world survive!? With out both you could not have kids and the world would not continue on!. A women can not get a women pregnant and a man can not get a man pregnant, unless of course you are the wierdo who had the sex change (from woman to man) and then decided it wanted a baby!. So you have to have both to make the world surviveWww@QuestionHome@Com

There have been at least a couple of Science Fiction stories using a woman only planet - one happened because fertilisation scientists discovered how to make a few selected women reproduce continuously after the fashion of a Queen bee or ant!. My memory is only hazy about what happened to destroy the males, but the human race ran on much the same lines as an ants' nest with tasks falling on various female groups - hunters & gatherers, baby minders, protectors, etc!.
The other story (or maybe it was part 2 of the first) turned women into peaceful nomadic tribes which "regressed" mechanically and scientifically because the majority of women were less skilled in these fields, and devoted themselves to domesticity and child-rearing!.
The clans became largely vegetarian because the females were unwilling to slaughter animals to the same extent as their males had done!.
In-tribe fighting became mostly "cat fights" with no new weapons of destruction nor repairs to existing ones!.
I guess an all-male society would survive much as it has done in the Armed Forces with the Units being self-sufficient - some men have natures which would lead them into fulfilling the roles which women tend to do now; others more "macho" would become the movers and doers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

women can make clones of themselves but males cannot so i guess the human race survives with just women!. then again life would be so boring without men!.
we would all probably stop doing our hair, stop wearing nice clothes, stop shaving and all that stuff unless we turn our interests to females!.

i think males would live better as in they would have a better standard of living since they tend to be much better with technology and building things but females would probably survive longer as they are less violent and are less likely to get injured in accidents as they take less risksWww@QuestionHome@Com

The chances of their survival are EVEN!.

I cannot think of even one reason which could tilt the balance in either one's favour!.

Having said that, I feel one without the other is incomplete!. However much we may debate on one's superiority over the other, the fact remains we DO need each other, not just for procreation, there are deeper needs!.!.!.

My guess is sooner or later they would find ways and means to bridge the gap between the two planets and that would be the CELESTIAL MARRIAGE of Planets!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe the women!. not because i am a woman, but because men wouldnt get things done, they probably wouldnt cook as much, so they would be very unhealthy!.

the women would probably have issues getting along with everyone, but the sensible ones would just avoid the ones they dont like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women when deprived of the company of their men, pine, and man when deprived of the company of women grow down right stupid!.

Now in the light of above enlightening thought it is not hard to see that men might end themselves sooner than women, mainly out of boredom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Men would survive the longest, because they are capable of rational thought, and are more resourceful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think women would survive longer because they are more instinctive than men!.!.!.!. rational thought is less conducive to survival than instinct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women!. The men would all kill each other!. Women only fight when it's over a man, so without men around, they'd be fine!. But men will fight over anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think women's planet will survive longer than men's!.
Because women are more selfish and cruel than men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Men only, because no women to worry the man in that planet!. Women wont survive because they them self make one another tension!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Magic solves all problems and creates any degree of joy or misery that the imagicer wishes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

women's world would be great until "time of the month" arrived then that would be the end of their world, so men's world would last longer, until the beer ran out at least!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

none both need each other PERIOD!

also the answer above me is baloneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Women because war is not in their nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably the men!.!.!.!. but only if the only food source was pickled in jars with really tight lids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

women of courseWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think the women cause men are more violentWww@QuestionHome@Com