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Position:Home>Philosophy> Violence: good or bad?

Question: Violence: good or bad!?
Generally, it is considered bad, but is that real refinement, or societal weakness and cowardice speaking!?

I ask only because the ancient warriors, for whom I have the utmost respect, would likely be ashamed of today's culture!.

"All of man's work is a bloody business!. That fact today is considered foolish, affairs are settled cleverly with words alone, and jobs that require effort are avoided!."
Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Samurai!.

So, is our aversion to all violence really maturity, or cowardice!?

(my apologies for "two extremes" falacy, it's just to make my question clearer)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cowardice is the refusal to do what is necessary born of fear!. Violence is seldom the best answer to any question, though often the quickest decision made!.
I too have a deep respect for those ancient warriors, they did what had to be done to protect and provide for their families in an age when it was kill or be killed!. Even the dead warriors who died protecting their families, and who's families were subsequently tortured, killed, or enslaved!. Today we have laws and law enforcement to preserve the peace!. The violence is still there, just controlled to a certain extent!. The weapons have changed, and cowards have not!. Beware of the man who appears to be a coward and avoids violence!. He is generally the one who needs not show off his speed and strength to keep others afraid of him!.
Man's work is still a bloody business, though less violent!. The rich still get richer at the expense of the weak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Violence in any form is bad!
2!. Rejecting it does NOT make one weak or a coward!.
3!. Aversion to violence is maturity!.

Now regarding violence and ancient warriors!.

When one reads any type of history, one needs to take into consideration the existing circumstances, life-styles and the TIME in which the historical event(s) took place!. During the period you mention, education was limited to a few, therefore there was no threat to one who gained control of the masses!.

Regarding the quote:

That could also be interpreted as being what ones type of work they do is their business and not anyone else's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me tell you:

Wisdom is knowing when to avert violence or to engage in violence!. If you were wise, you would not follow a set rule in life (such as violence is bad or averting it is cowardice)!. Therefore, by definition, wisdom is knowing when violence is justified and when it is not worth it!.

So violence is far too general a term to say if it is good or bad!. The adjectives should be used to describe the people!.

But also, by definition, violence could also refer to wanton fury!. In which case it is bad, because aggression without meaning is always a sign of an inferior mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see what you are saying!. I would definently say it is maturity,

I think violence back then, and in todays time!.!.!. is entirley different!. When I think of violence!.!.!.!. I think of, child abuse, murders, gang members, animal abuse, hate crimes!.!.!.!.ect!.!.

I think ancient warriors view of violence, was not beat the crap out of someone because they are gay, or just helpless!. I think it was all they knew!. Some places still use violence, for the same reasons!.!.

I think the word has a different meaning now-a-days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are asking for a differentiation between different levels of sophistication!.
All males are into intimidation of the other through talk, dress, appearance, threats, as it has been for all time!.
Gangs are at the lowest level of sophistication and act like animals would to intimidate others!.
Titles such as Dr, rank, have intimidation power!.
Sports uses testosterone to bluff and intimidate opponents to give way to the runner or ball carrier!.
Violence is used in less sophisticated situations and can be very useful when used properly!.
Thus the person is perceived as a coward or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are new strengths, the world now revolves around money, so a mans strengths are considered his accomplishments!. Don't be naive, a lepoard can't change its spots, there is violence in every man!. We have since evolved into the understanding that clever words, and strict affairs are those that require effort, while violent behavior is simply primal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The line I draw is, if what/who I care about, including myself is at risk of death or serious injury, any force used in order to protect them is "good!."

The problem I have with your argument is, you care claiming all violence are the same!. I make a distinction by defining physical force into violence and protection!.

I consider the word "violence" to refer to a physical force used exerted to a faultless person(s)!. Clearly different from ones used to protect myself or others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

violence is very opinionated!. if you ask the insurgents in Iraq they will say there violence is justified!. when you ask American troops most will say theirs is justified!. it all depends on who you are and what your religion and values tell you to fight for!. the best way to over come violence is to accept each others difference's!. that may sound girlie but it is true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

whether violence is good or bad is not the question!. Whether violence has any meaning is the true question!. Nothing has any meaning good or bad without purpose, and whether violence on any level is bad or good holds no weight!.!.!.because if there is no purpose behind it, then any bad act is simply worthless and pointless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is bad but i was reading my history book about the maya people and aztecs and they use to have priests take out their still beating heart and gave it to there so called sun gods so nothing can happen to them like floods and hurricanes etc!. and they dropped the bodies down the steps and kept doing it on those steps till every inch on it was covered with blood but they never got a person from their own tribe they got spies or people visiting or something like that!. but any way violence bad bad bad i hate violence i get hurt from it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In ways it can be both!.
A person's violent habits can be driven by immaturity!.
But a person can a entitled a coward if they don't 'use their fists'!.

But if your asking for my opinion!.!. I'd say violence is indeed cowardly!. A person is truly valiant if they settle disputes without spilling blood!. Violence will only lead to misery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is violence bad!? Yes!. I don't want someone beating me up!. And I doubt anyone is gonna look up to me for hitting someone else!. Spanking your kids, two boys hashing it out in a fight, protecting your family, yeah ok!. But two people are getting physical over lawsuit issues!? Uh no, we are not wild savages here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

violence in itself isn't good or bad!. but rather the outcome of said violence!. it's to whom or what the violence is directed toward and the puropse of the violence that determines whether it is good or bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

finaly a good argument!.!.!.

honestly, i just dislike violance, i honestly think it is not the answer!. Why fight!? Why cause pain and torture to those who might not need it!? I think it is umhuman of us to do so, fighting to see who will win, why would we be any different from an animal!. I truly think that it is maturity!.!.coward!? No!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have an aversion to all violence!. I don't know anyone who does!.

And any good warrior will tell you that you only fight when you have to!.!.!.people who go around picking fights are not warriors, they are bullies, warmongers, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violence is bad because times change and man must evolve according to the changing
of time!. We are no longer subject to the struggling time of the Samurai!. That's mind over matter!. Mind has taken the place of the

it is bad, it just starts arguements and all!. I think that instead of having violence and all we should just talk normaly to people instead of having to be in a fight and then get hurt or get in trouble about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violence is always bad, and every violence creates another violence, it's like bacteria that multiplies itself into numerous numbers and the chain goes on!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both!. because without it we are just sniffling baby's who will be walked all over!. but with to much we are power hungry assholes!. so it is necessary to say bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

It can be bad!. But it can also be a necessary evil,eg, the First Gulf War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

violence like war is bad but necessary :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Violence is the last resort (or at least should be) in a civilized world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In any case or any way Violence is not good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I still think that violence is BAD!Www@QuestionHome@Com


it is violence and there wouldn't be a wold without it , although i wish we had less cause it is badWww@QuestionHome@Com

violence is badWww@QuestionHome@Com


bad, really bad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who are you!?
Malcolm X!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violance is BAD! did they ever tell you that boyWww@QuestionHome@Com