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Position:Home>Philosophy> Good daily, Philosophy to live our lives by: What do others think?

Question: Good daily, Philosophy to live our lives by: What do others think!?
I came across this in amoungst some of my papers!. It is called "FOR THIS DAY ONLY" written by "EDGAR A GEUST"

Worry magnifies trouble
Till its size is more than double!.
Fretting over some tomorrow
Only adds unto your sorrow!.

Keep on going whistling gaily,
Do the best you can do daily!.
Let no distant danger floor you,
Wait until it's right before you!.

Don't sit down and dread and fear it,
Wait untill you're getting near it!.
Keep your strength untill you need it,
Fight your battle, don't concede it!.

View the clouds without complaining,
Clouds have come without it raining,
Showers have threatened and passsed over,
Don't let stubble hide the clover!.

Nothing from the future borrow,
This is your day, not tomorrow!.
Be of this day's tasks the master,
And you need not fear disaster!.

I am aware this is more like poetry, but there is some good philosophy with in it, Do you agree or disagree!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It has a lot of truth!. The one thing I'd add is that rather than sitting back and letting the future take me unawares, I'd be better to have a plan so that I'm ready!.
You need to act upon life rather than sitting and letting it act upon you!. After you have done what you can then you can sit back and not worry!. Worry doesn't change things but not planning is a sure way to court disaster!. Maybe this is where the Serenity Prayer would be perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds good; reminds of Longfellow's "A Psalm of Life!." http://www!.potw!.org/archive/potw232!.html

You might enjoy reading C!. S!. Lewis' "The Great Divorce,"
Martha Beck's "Expecting Adam," and
Helen Greaves' "Testimony of Light!."
They're inspirational, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will agree with you but not completely!.
I just feel something is kind missing in the poem or your philosophy!.
But a very nice writing!.
Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it!. I agreeWww@QuestionHome@Com