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Position:Home>Philosophy> Regrets - should I really feel so bad?

Question: Regrets - should I really feel so bad!?
I regret that I didn't keep in touch with an old boyfriend, but I didn't feel I could keep myself from want to be just friends!. I was a little worried about him wanting to just stay friends too!.

In my experience, once you've been lovers, it's hard to go back to being friends!. One person usually wants more!.

I have other regrets too!. Should I or were those choices really the right choices!?

How do you feel about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you made the right choice,you are right once you have been lovers it is hard to go back to just being friends!. Look everyone who's human has regrets at one time or another!. The thing to remember is that you did the best you could with the information that you had at the time!.Once you know better you do better!. That is to say that looking back we have more information about any given situation than what we had at the time!.This is why people say that hindsight is 20/20!. You probably made the best choice you could at the time!.Hope this helps some!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i was in that position to with my baby daddy!. he broke up with me to be with someone else, and wanted to just be my friend, i agreed since we have a whole daughter together but times got hard because after he felt hell never lose me he wanted to try sleep with me, so when u decide on being friends with an ex u need to be certain of what he is calling a friend cus they still think they could sleep with u when ever they feel like it i dont no bout u but im not into that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

uhmm!.!.they say that experience is the best teacher!.!.you can really learn and mature from them!.!.so, get ahead of your future!.!.let go of the past happenings and wrong decisions you had made!.!.now you know the right one, just go beyond the present and the future, and forget the past!.!.they say past is past!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you meant to do that
or you didnt have time its wat you wanted
you can regret a disision that you wanted
you could have done ths or that but who cares you chose wat you wer going to do and stuck with that for that no regrets should pass through your mindWww@QuestionHome@Com

regrets solve nothing, they only cause pain!. act on them to fix your guilt or forget!. guilt is a horrible feeling and you should not have to feel it, especially when it is self inflicted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't regret not keeping in touch with him!. You are 100% right about one person usually wanting more!. It's alot less painful and much easier to move on to the next best guy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Regretting things is a waste of time and energy!.!.!.learn the lessons these situations provide you and move on!.!.!.live for the future not the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Confucius says "Your regret of not keeping in touch with an old boyfriend is a new boyfriends joy!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

learn to detatch!.!.!.!.let go!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com