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Position:Home>Philosophy> Gurdjieff Scholars: was he a Sufi?

Question: Gurdjieff Scholars: was he a Sufi!?
If you don't know what Idries Shah said about him don't bother to answer!. I don't mean was he a good Sufi or what, if anything, the Sufis endorsed of what he taught!. What was his relationship with Sufism and what is Sufism!? Opinions welcome please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You might find Rafael Lefort's (Idries Shah's pen name, "a real effort") "Teachers of Gurdjieff" and Henry Bayman's "The Station of No Station" worthwhile!.

Gurdjieff had the holy Christ Mind, i!.e!., was a Christed One, but not without flaws!.

His major insight into "mechanization man" in the West is paralleled and extended by Mark Prophet's brilliant "The Soulless One!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, he is not abstinent, so no he is not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com