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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of Philosophy degrees?

Question: What do you think of Philosophy degrees!?
I don't study it myself but I have heard many people speaking negatively about Philosophy degrees and I have always wondered why!.

If you have noticed this, why do you think it is such a disrespected degree!?
And what do you think of the degree!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These days, people earn degrees as a mean to an end, i!.e!. getting a good (high paying) job!. People overlook the fact that philosophy gives us the tools to be free thinkers, and to better understand human nature and the world around us!. My BA in Philosophy makes me a better person, but my pockets are usually empty!. But truth be told, I wouldn't trade it for anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am attempting to train myself in Philosophy but something hit me while I was studying it!. Not a bus!. An epiphany!. What can I do with a degree in Philosophy!? Even my parents did not approve of the self taught degree!. You see, if I were to learn Philosophy and everyone else knew that, I'd be branded as the oh-so-deep and profound one but what if, what if I did not want to be that person!? What if I wanted to lead a normal 13 year-old child's life!?

People define themselves and others by salary mostly, not EQ, maybe a tiny bit of IQ but sometimes people don't really know what is philosophy!. The knowledge itself is as important as the absence of it!. I think that this degree will help if you want to be a philosopher but out there in the real world, knowledge of the meaning of life will not help you much!. But the experiences in life will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is the ultimate macho degree, the DeWALT of degrees!. Getting a Doctorate of Philosophy (which any PhD is) in PHILOSOPHY ls like using duct tape on a DUCT - it is the ultimate thinker's certification of ability to think!. I want one!.

People put them down because you can't go get a job on Wall Street with one - they are "not practical"!. Well - neither is climbing Mt!. Everest, but I suspect that people who have done that feel pretty cool about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy majors get the highest scores on the LSATS!. It helps your cognitive, writing, and debating skills!. It's a great degree if you're planning on going to some sort of graduate school!. It will become useless if you just get a bachelor's but then again most degrees are useless if is only a bachelor's!. I like philosophy and I'm minoring in it along with a political science major!. I think it will do good for a lot of young people to take an interest in logic,cynicism, stoicism, and early philosophy writers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I graduated with a BA in Philosophy!. People disrespect Philosophy because they don't understand it!. Philosophy is a very broad and ambiguous subject!. People associate philosophy with classical philosophers that are very difficult to understand and read about!. Many people think that philosophers work on questions in which there can be no answers to, or questions that are meaningless!. People (the masses) don't appreciate things they do not understand and are quick to make ignorant judgments of things and people that they do not understand!. If you've studied Philosophy, you would find that there is something there that can help you, or something that you can relate to and enjoy!. There is the Philosophy of Religion, that may help you understand your own faith!. There is Eastern Philosophy that may enlighten you to simple truths about harmony and nature (Tao)!. Philosophy is a very cool degree to have, in a highly commercialized world!. I really enjoyed getting my Philosophy degree, and feel like it was a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment!. It made me a better person!. I thought that I would be thinking deep thoughts about unemployment, but I ended up with a great career in Information Technology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you considering a Philosophy degree!?

You should!

Some colleges (like mine) even lower the amount of credits required because most people double major!. Philosophy will enhance any other field you're interested in because you acquire irreplaceable abilities such as!.!.!.

!.!.!.ehhh, I don't know, critical thinking!? ;)

And don't think that it doesn't look good on your resume because it DOES!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know I will not very popular but the degrees are useless!.

What is taught is mostly the history of philosophy and not how to come up new ideas or how to evaluate and analyze current ideas!.

Most of ideas by great philosophers are obsolete or common knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com