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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do disasters in Communist China indicate that the Law of Karma has kicked in for

Question: Do disasters in Communist China indicate that the Law of Karma has kicked in for previous national misdeeds!?
With one major misdeed being the illegal invasion of the Nation of Tibet on October 7, 1950 which began, to date, a 58-year-old reign of terror directed against the people of Tibet, its religion and its culture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it has got more than to do with their national misdeeds!. Figure it out if you can!.

Other countries who are victims of global devastations and pandemics share the the same background as this country!.
Email me if you can and we'll discuss about it, i just figure i can't talk about it here!.

My point is, it has got to do with a higher reason or a cause than just national matters or status quo!.


your additional details touched my analytical mind sensitively and i just have the feeling you may be just referring to me!. Let me put it this way, whether the initial cause of such chaos or devastations is triggered by the ruler of one's country, there is a first cause that is maneuvering this to happen!. The victims in Borneo, Indonesia, Thailand by the tsunami in 2004(Phils!. wasn;t affected) all share the same ideology that christ doesn;t exist!. Now China!? The unending war in the middle east countries, is another example!.

Again, i am saying, there is an explanation to this far beyond our understanding, but if we have faith, we may succeed in trying to grasp the meaning of all these disasters !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Karma is strictly ego based!. Nation does not have an ego!. When one says China invaded, does one mean the geographical entity, the political party in power, the government, the common citizen or the actual soldiers!?
We have to take it that it was just a natural calamity!. Similar to the one that made the dinosaurs extinct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And when do you suppose Americans' "Karma" will catch up with us for invading the North American continent and slaughtering its inhabitants!?!?

There is no justice in the world besides what humans choose to impose on it!. And killing random individuals for the actions of a government that happens to rule them would hardly be justice anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I knew!. As other responders have pointed out, other nations - the USA included - suffer from disasters like Katrina!. Perhaps all natural disasters are Karma related, but we may never know!. And then again, what did Tibet do to deserve its current treatment!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the law of karma do not wait so long to punished the grandchildren
it more like the law of Gaia , u r in it then u have to feel itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Although I don't discount karma, I doubt there is a national karma as you suggest!. Natural disasters can and do happen anywhere, and act without direction or motivation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats like asking about Karna for Burma, or Chile and the Volcano, or New Orleans and Katrina!. Don't really think so!. I think it is more as in where one lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a horrible thing to say!. How many of the victims do you suggest played any role in the invasion of Tibet!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

uhhh! American!? Sister Katrina and Co visited your country an year before!. Is that too a kickA@@ of KarmaWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is an offensive idea!.!.!.and the Dalai Lama would agree with me!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com