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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should you believe in something that you have never seen?

Question: Should you believe in something that you have never seen!?
Things like vampires, werewolves, ghosts, Santa, God and etc!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you should never stop with mere belief!. go and examine for yourself!. otherwise you stay in the unknown, hypnotize yourself with some nice stories and ideas!. they may be consoling, but never fulfilling!. go and look for the truth yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every person has his own perception and experience!. For me i believe in ghosts and God, according to what i hear from ordinary ppl, researchers and professional ppl!. Many things in this world exist---radio waves, atomic subparticles, static electricity, nervous energy, wind, faith healing,the distant planets, and a total of more than 165 moons circulating our planets, etc---even though you dont see them!. Even by half-believing certain strange and magical things, will incite you to delve more into them, and make some discoveries!. This is part of knowledge and your curiosity may one day contribute to our store of knowledge and benefit the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not a question of should you believe but do you believe and why do you believe!? I think some of these myths had to have stemmed from some origin, supernatural or not and the fact that many of these "things" to believe in have been around for so long makes it harder to dismiss that they may or may not be real!. So basically I think to say whether someone should or should not believe in something depends soley on their upbringing or personal experiences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but werewolves are an exception cause I have seen them!.
As for vampires, I hope they never will exist unless they are friendly!.
As for ghosts, well the answer's there if you want to try and die go ahead, beware of the consequences if your wrong!.
As for Santa, well we all know St Nicholas existed, not the toy giver Santa Claus though, sorry!
As for God, he never listens to me, so for as far as I am concerned, who knows - if we die, will we meet him or is death just the end!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

sometimes we have to believe because we also dont see the air but we feel it , or when we see a thunderlight comes on sky or when rain clouds gather then we know its going to rain few minutes later !.!. so y ou see!.!. its an emotions and feelings even we dont see them like air like gas!.!. so as you know everything has reason even we don't see them clearly or anytime !.!. for instance ghosts god or vampires!.!. some of them creatied by people something like vampire , dracula or things like that so l dont beleive those that created by people but as you know the god and prophets are written in holy books and billions of people are believing them although they don't see!.!.!. its little bit complicated to solve this already noone tries but at the end of this as l said everything has reason for us !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's totally up to you and the individual of what you and they want to believe in, as some believe is just having faith in something, and some believes are that you and the other people want to believe in, (you hear and read bout something so much that you want to believe in it)!.!.!.
In the end, it's just your own choice in what you believe in, and why people believe in them!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, cause Man must believe many things he doesn't see!. you never can see what another person is feeling but the signs of his misery tells you, how he feels!. Same is the case with you and other humans!.
also werewilvos, ghosts, Santa, vampires, also werecats are in the minds of people because of the same signs man has seen!.
My believe in God is because I need Him, and because He doesn't need any one else!. Like a child in period of lonliness makes a shadow friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had to say some interesting words & points as well as my views & I'm sure you would like those!. But I'm sorry, you've mixed up "vampires & God, ghosts & Santa"---so contradictory to others! I'm afraid, you could be 'reported' by some! This is the first time I reserve my comment about your interesting questions!. :-(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess that depends on whether you have high standards for what you believe!. Some people take a matter on faith, others tend to see life like a scientific experiment!. I'm in the latter category, which is why I am happily indifferent about religion, ghosts, and the like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends with you,it also depends with what you choose to believe in!People do believe in all kinds of things which they have never seen!.Things like love,hate,music,angels etc!.Do you believe that one day you will be succesfull!?I think believing in things we dont see actually do improve our lives!.This is also one aspect that differenciate us with other living things!.My answer is yes you should,you will be doing yourself a great favour!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The eyes are a tool for interpreting the world around us!.
The brain makes up most of the image we see!.
Both are therefore fallible & apt to only recognise what they are taught!.
When the Spanish 1st arrived in America, the native peoples could not see there ships, because they were out of their sphere of consciousness!.
When T!.E!. Lawrence presented portraits to his Arab allies, they saw only blobs & lines daubed on canvas because their reality did not include representational art!.
When a friend of mine observes trees, they are red, because he is colourblind & cannot distinguish red from green!.
So, one should rather trust ones instincts, intuitions & feelings!. There is much more to the universe than that which is visible!. Can anyone SEE dark matter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i certainly believe in the pyramids, and the amazon river, and the london tower and the great wall of china, but I've never seen any of those!. thats like the argument, "you only think it's there because you have been told it is"Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have never seen your life, only its effects!. You have never seen the solar wing, yet cannot escape its effects!. You have never seen gravity, yet are bound by it and are alive because of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're speaking of material objects, but what about love, courage, compassion, etc!. Do you believe in love!? Well, God is love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no smoke without fire, but we should know where to set the limit between probable and fiction:)I don't believe in Santa, but believe in GodWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am never confident that I can see everythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

its all in the mind!.your mind directs u and u follow!.but it's not neccessary tht the thing does not exist if we haven't seen it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on how much the impact of influence it will have on the person!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya some time get good friend but u belive to him!. u belive god but u never seenWww@QuestionHome@Com

I say no, however many people are afraid to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as we had not seen god but we belive in godWww@QuestionHome@Com

oh !.!.!. I was going to answer THE WIND !.!. but then I read the rest of your question!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have never seen my toothache and my pain,,Www@QuestionHome@Com