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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think it is UNWISE TO TAKE THE COMFORTS OF LIFE for granted?

Question: Do you think it is UNWISE TO TAKE THE COMFORTS OF LIFE for granted!?
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Certainly, as they will vary as the economy and the individual's fortune change, from time to time!. I've known business ppl who owned several homes and luxury cars, only to give them all up when their businesses went bankrupt!. They had to resort to renting out a house and taking public transport!. So, in life, nothing is permanent!. As long as one maintains this attitude and be prepared when the world should collapse around us one day, we do not fall into extreme depression and go overboard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

certainly not if it is available!. The comforts of life can be defined differently and is applicable to men differently too!.

however, if one does give it up (like monks or someone who just want to be a martyr or hero) then this person has reasons for taking the comforts of life for granted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We as western humans are so often within out comfort zones that we forget that they exist!. Take a week to climb a mountain, or learn to dive!. Even better do a course in abseiling or rock climbing, anything that will truly push you!. We take these comforts of life as grated because we do not get a chance to experience life without them!. But in doing so we make it even harder to discover where our true self lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, certainly, it is ever so UN-wise to take the comforts of Today's life for granted, (mind you that can depend on what exactly you or others call, " comforts of life "), but otherwise, yes it is totally UN-wise, to take today's comforts of life!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yip i think it is unwise and very selfish to take things in life for granted coz there is always some 1 round the corner who is worse off than youWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, Every one is wise enough to undergo this experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!.!. after all!.!.!. what is life about if not the comforts!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com