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Position:Home>Philosophy> If humans had to EVACUATE EARTH IN 100 YEARS time?

Question: If humans had to EVACUATE EARTH IN 100 YEARS time!?
For example, if scientists were absolutely sure that a meteor would hit Earth in 100 years time and would destroy all life, do you think that we would be able to colonise the Moon or a planet like Mars within that period of time!? If so, what animals do you think we would take with us!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think we would be able to do it because that is all anybody would be focused on!. When humans put their all into a project, it gets done, usually in record time!.
But I don't think we would colonize anything!. I think they would just shoot it down!.
If we did, we would go to the moon 1st and take some of each animal because if we left any they would be extinct forever and we might choose wrong!. and upset the balance of nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well scientist would find out of a way to make the meteor go on a different path!. I went to a museum once and found out that scientists are already studying things like this!.

However, a meteor doesn't seem like much does it, as the Earth is already being destroyed by Humans!. All this pollution and contamination occurs everyday just the desire of money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If they were absolutely sure, then the very rich and powerful would want to get their families into space!. All the money of all the major corporations would be spent on a new space age!.
Having land in orbit would be the status symbol of the 21st century!. Expensive fish and other exotic pets would be preserved, the rest of us would be screwed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mars is possible if we try hard, but it will take a long time!.

It really depends on 'when' the meteor will 'arrive' at earth!. If its 100 years from now on, it is highly likely that we will go extinct but 100 years from another 1000 years later, it may be possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would we be able to all fit on the moon!? How would we get oxygen!?!.!.!.sure, bring oxygen tanks, but won't they run out!?
Honestly, I don't think that we'd be able to all move to the moon or mars!.!.!.the atmospheres aren't right for the human body!.!.!.or any other Earth organism for that matter!.!.!.


I feel only the rich would be transported to the new world!. And cows, chickens, pigs, and tuna if there is enough water to sustain them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The colony would be small!. The population would be very controlled kept small (growth kept to 500,000 total, more or less)!. Many animals would not be taken!. But lots of DNA specimens from just about every creature would be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no,we put our power usually to find thing that destroyWww@QuestionHome@Com