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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that SEXUAL ABSTINENCE IS CONTRARY to human nature?

Question: Do you think that SEXUAL ABSTINENCE IS CONTRARY to human nature!?
What are the dangers of sexual abstinence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Abstinence is self denial!. Ingrained morality and a self respect for one’s body temple us preferable!. Denial indicates an inherent and natural requirement deprived!. A state of inner repose until emotional and spiritual maturity prepares the individual for a relationship with another and all that a merger entails!.

Man strives for peace, a bliss excitement, adventure, closeness and affinity with others!. Seeking this comfort giving elixir of contentment in the company or courtship of other with equal if not greater emotional baggage and differences becomes an arduous battle of compromising one’s self to acquire an illusory and temporal pleasure!.

Understanding and maturity is the key to a happy bonding with others!. Unfortunately when man finds such bliss he is disinclined to ruination of the same by the interacting with another less evolved person!.

Celibacy is a spiritual condition of being and little to do with abstinence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sexual abstinence is part of many human cultures, and as culture is part of human nature it is very much a part of human nature!. It is however against the nature of mammals in general!.

As for the pro's and cons, in many modern cultures abstinence is not seen as something which is desirable, as people want a partner who is good at sex and has had a lot of practice!. So obviously getting some practice in is important in this situation!.

Older cultures recognized the danger of incurable diseases and of having children who would grow up without suitable parental care, so sex before marriage was and is mandatory if you ever want to get married!. In such cultures it makes sense to resist the temptation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First a distinction: If something is contrary to something's alleged nature, then it is physically impossible!.

For instance: it would be unatural for a ball to remain suspended in the air after one bounced it off the ground!. Similarly, it would be unatural for opposite poles not to attract!.!.and finally:

1!. It would be unatural for a human being to be sexually absitnent!.

But, I don't think (1) is anything like the aforementioned examples!. Why!? Because people actually have been sexually abstinent, hence it is not contary to our nature (remember: if it were then it wouldn't be physically possible; but it is physically possible, hence it is not contrary to human nature)!.

You mean 'contrary to human nature,' then, in this sense:

2!. Sexual absitinence is contrary to the way most human's appear to behave!.

I agree with this, but not the latter, as it is clearly a matter of logic that the original question together with an affirmation of it, leads to sexual abstinence being physically impossible, and this seems doubtful!.


Yeah, but so are a lot of things that people do or don't do!. However, there is a danger in teaching "sexual abstinence" to middle school kids or whenever they teach that!. Part of that is that there's no really great reason they can give so many of these organizations lie to kids!. I went on the website of the place that was coming to give their little talk at my son's school (a public charter school) and it talked about telling kids condoms cause cancer and really trying to scare them in unrealistic ways about HIV and STDs!. I wrote a letter to the school nurse telling her that she should be more of an advocate for the truth but never received a response!. So I wrote to the school telling them that my son would be absent that day!. I try to teach my sons sexual responsibility!.

You are asking for an objective opinion of what and who you are!. Shouldn't you be able to know that without asking if it is your nature!?

I find abstinence to be a sign of power, wisdom and even compassion!. I have found it to be a virtue with no deleterious effects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really for there a right time and reson for staying pure,untill marriage,Their no danger in abstiences, But as a mature adult it would be lonely!.But not everyone likes people!.The danger lies in sex ,there dieases and Risk, you have a good night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but I do think the psychological needs that drives the sexual expression is very strong!.
There are no dangers but the person has to find other avenues to express themselves and find ways to use up this energy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Abstinence is recommended as a way to avoid pregnancy (abortion) and sexually transmitted infections!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it is!. dangrous well its meant to increase a testerone build up in men part from that i cant think of any dangers, but whats the point of sexual absitnence anyway what good is it going to doWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have known celebates, asexuals and all kinds of variations!. Abstinence is well within the tolerance of the human body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe, if there is such a thing as human nature!. What the hell is human nature!? Humans are capable of any madness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, because part of human nature is procreation and abstinence prevents that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel that it is contrary, but societal constrains means how people will react to it is erratic at bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are primal needs and controlled intelligent emotional actions or non actions !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.dude belive in the act of stastanement if possible, unless that person is
the wife to be!.!.!. du!.!. lol
