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Position:Home>Philosophy> A world with no clouds?

Question: A world with no clouds!?
How do you think our world would change is clouds were invisble!? Do you think that peoples' attitudes will change!. Do you think nothing will happen!. Please tell me what you think will happen if we could not see clouds and if it would have an major impact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If clouds were always invisible and i never knew there existence than I would not know the difference!.
I think clouds add emotion to the sky!. When there is a storm they add emotion into the atmosphere and kind of give life to the storm more!.I think if clouds were invisible, the clouds would still exist, so that means there still would be rain, we just wouldn't know where it came from!.
I think clouds play a big role in how we perceive the day as well!. If it is cloudy and gloomy, it's kind of a cloudy and gloomy day!. If there were never any clouds to hinder the sun from shinning real bright, we would not know the difference between a really sunny day and an overcast day!. There would always be stars though!. Which is a plus!. But clouds add excitement to when you can actually see the stars!.
If clouds were invisible it would be like taking away something to compare the atmosphere too!. So, if they were to never come back after today I think things would change!. i don't know if it would be significant but i know somethings would change!. However, since I've always known about clouds its hard to say the severity of that change!.
Great thought!. I loved it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com


People will change drastically!.

When people feel stressed they look up into the sky and sigh as they watch the clouds float by!. That's one thing constant in their lives while pretty much everything else changes!. Clouds help people to gather themselves up when they're in a mess, or they inspire artists to draw, or just simply look pretty for everyone :)

A cloud-less world is a dull world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The real question is think about all the things we don't have right now!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. forget clouds we are not seeing so many other things, but perhaps we don't need it!. Get it!? We're missing an infinite ammount of things, things you couldn't imagine unless you saw them!. I;m talking flying hotdogs an stuff a lot weirder and maybe even beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never thought about this!. hmmm!. I love clouds!. They put emotion i guess you could call it into the sky!. They're pretty to look at!. and plus thats where rain comes from!. I don't like the idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think people attitudes would fry !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Earth with no water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com