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Position:Home>Philosophy> Am I God? I created two kids in my image. I created my own universe. If I pray t

Question: Am I God!? I created two kids in my image!. I created my own universe!. If I pray to myself I get things done!.!?
I watch over my universe!. I have a flock(my family)!. I can build up a storm in my universe!. What else!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What an intersting question! :)
This is actually quite inspirational for me!.

Hmm!.!. well, to answer your question:
I don't know!.
I simply don't!.

Nobody knows for sure but some think they do!.
Ah, but they don't :)
That's the beauty of it!.

How fun is life going to be without some mysterious!? ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Does the truth of your universe remain consistent, or is your truth only a subjective!.
Often the concept of god is associated with the idea that god has knowledge that is universal in its truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a hallmark of a poor creator that he can only make things poorer than himself!. A great creator can produce a masterwork that transcends time, culture, and understanding!. It is not a mortal thing, but a view of the Divine!.

So, too, it may well be with you!. If it pleases you to think of yourself as a god for this, then I welcome you to go ahead!. Your god - if it, too, is worthy of the title - can only be pleased if you are correct in your assessment:

"Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers!. Fellow creators the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets!. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest!."

- Friedrich Nietzsche ("Thus Spoke Zarathustra")Www@QuestionHome@Com

You never created anyting, you moved around things that were already created, and being created, but well done on doing that well!.

What you did is within the realm of Sons of God!. You are in the Father and the Father is in you, but He is greater than you!.

Storms come from distortions in human consciousness, We, as Sons of God have dominion over the earth: it responds to our consciousness!. God does not create storms and destruction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WOW, What an EGO!?

I assure you that YOU created nothing!. God gifted these things to you and you have the Nerve to say YOU created them!.!. You had Sex, God created the child!.

Your Universe exists purely and only Because GOD created it!. and allowed you to be part of it!.!. You are a creation of the same God!.!. You CREATE nothing, but strife!.!. You are part of the creation!.!.

Can you make it rain!? Can you make the sun shine!? Can You make demons bow down!? Can you make the moon stay in the sky!? Can you make the rainbow!? Can you flood the earth!? Can you cause the waters to rise!? Can you walk on Water!? Can you even Build your home from the ground, trees and sand that makes the window glass & on up to the shingles on the roof!?!? Can you save your kids from eternal Hell!? Can you stop the pain and suffering and hunger in the world!? Can you cause the lightening to flash and the thunder to shake the ground!? Can you do one thing God does, that you are attempting to take credit for!? Can you make metal or rubber!? Can you make a tree!? Can you cause the oceans to subside and the winds to calm!? Hmmm Just as I thought!.!.

You are a legend in your own mind!.!.

Boy I don`t even want to be near you when God hears your ego and self centered thoughts and heart!.!. I assure you with all your Hypocrisy, and arrogance it can all be gone in the blink of the eye or the whoosh of HIS breath!.!.!.

Peace and God bless from Texas <><Www@QuestionHome@Com

No you could not possibly be God!. God is perfect, man is not!. Therefore you can't be God!. However you can do God-like things!. Live your life well, treat others kindly, help those less fortunate, love everyone, even the people you don't think deserve your love!. If you do those things you will be more God-like, not to mention a happier more content human being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You die!. You feel pain!. You make mistakes!. God does not!. another classic signature of being a normal human is believing that you are invincible (ie God)!.

We were all created in the image of God and therefore can do many things that God can do!. But we are not God!.!.!. at least i hope not!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you know something!? You have got a point in there somewhere!. Your question sounds like a joke but it's not!. You are right in track with what God meant for us to be: Like God!. That's what the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, speaking for God, explained to Eve that if they ate from the forbidden tree, they would not die but become like God!. Since then we have been on our way to become like God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you sound like a good Mormon!.

I would suggest that you could well be a God!. But MY God, as I understand God, is omnipotent and omniscient (quick what number am I thinking of!?)

I would not wish to worship you because my God is a jealous God!. If I thought he would just smite you maybe it would be okay, but I need my "smite insurance!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could create life in your universe (plant a tree)!. create and negate light (don't pay the electricity bill) the question really is if you can get others to pray to you and expand your universe a bit more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

close no god is the fictsious person who made the earth that you live on and for some reason aobviously missed getting to wittness,!., it is the same senario any person would make up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. You are the god of your universe and I, mine!. I also believe I am immortal, and so far I am right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cogito Ergo Sum my friend!.

I think therefore i am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"You" are not God, but God is most certainly you!Www@QuestionHome@Com


because god is all knowing and thus would have no need for asking questions like this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


yes, we are all!.!. and we are all oneWww@QuestionHome@Com