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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that PERSONS WITH OPPOSITE VIEWS can be good friends?

Question: Do you think that PERSONS WITH OPPOSITE VIEWS can be good friends!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, they can be friends and real good friends too!. In fact, they would have a very exciting and challenging relationship since both will always take the view opposite the other and their conversations will not be boring rather than having friends who will always agree with you and who are predictable as to their views as they have the same views as you- And remember the saying unlike poles attract each other, like poles repel each otherWww@QuestionHome@Com

In some circumstances yes, but I do not know of any persons who remain extreme or opposing in their beliefs!. Others assuredly more willing to compromise their truth to accommodate or pander to another’s are an entirely different creed!. Truth is absolute!. Whether some are able to be truthful to their nature or the will of societies is the nature of success or failure in life!.

Most individuals hold belief based on their life experiences their triumph of lack in life’s struggle and are therefore biased and prejudices against a given truth simply because they are discomforted by it!.

It is preferable therefore to fraternise with equals than be dragged down or conform to the whims of they who are not deemed worthy of such sacrifice with hindsight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To turn a phrase, variety is the spice of life!. It shows intelligence & tollerance to give an ear to people with different opinions to those of your own mate!. That's a fantastic way to broaden your own experience, & who knows, you might just find yourself learning something!. If we weren't open to other folks views &opinions, we'd be nothing but xenephobic ignorant headcases with no capacity for learning!.
Viva la diference!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Persons with opposite views" can't be the criteria for real friendship!. I don't think but I do hope so!. Because, when FRIENDSHIP happens, the friends know how to respect each other & also know how to handle or tackle situations when views conflict!. To me it would be a good friendship between two persons with opposite views; hence both of them would get the second options! :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it depends on the issue in question!.!.!.!. if its something major like a difference of opinion on some religious, political, ethical or moral issue then it would be difficult to be friends without it getting in the way!.!.!. but if its something like an opinion on a group, or latest fashion accessory, something more superficial and trivial then it can be good to agree to differ and just respect each others view point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

indeed good and helpful too!. I believe in my lifepartner as a person thinking differently, doing hings in different way!. Life is also boring all the time sharing same likings!. I don't know of manhy things because I think differently and thats why I take things differently, but if my friend's mind is oppsite of mine, so it'd be really good and hepful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, as long as both are intelligent and can agree to disagree on whatever without it coming between!.
I am a conservative Baptist and have absolute atheist friends!.My wife and I are catastrophists and creationists and they are evolutionists and uniformaterians!.
We don't argue, we discuss, camly!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. They can be casual, respectful friends, but I think people must share a significant set of values (and values determine views), to have the trust and connection of a deeper friendship!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

certainly!. my own life experiences tell me this!. think of the old saying, "opposites attract"!. once you get past knee-jerk responses, and intelligent communication starts, anything is possible!. it's getting to that point that's hard!.

It depends on the nature of the views!. Much discrepancy can be overcome when they're both respectful, though!. So, yes, they can given certain factors!. It's all relative!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yup they can be as long as they keep their mouths shut!.
jokes apart, yes ppl with different views can be good frnds as long as they know tht ppl have different views and respect each other's views!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My friend hates gay people to the point of possibly starting a Laramie-esque project in vallejo!. It makes me feel better knowing that I'm more intelligent than this guy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Friendship, if at all exists, views did not matterWww@QuestionHome@Com

PERSONS WITH OPPOSITE VIEWS is a honest person and he is good FriendWww@QuestionHome@Com

As long as they do not hate each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

of courseWww@QuestionHome@Com