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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that ALL WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO DECIDE in favour of abortion?

Question: Do you think that ALL WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO DECIDE in favour of abortion!?
What business is that of the religion to tell them what they should or should not do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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There are many reasons why it is a personal, and painful act!.
I personally have seen so many born to single women who do not have an education, or a husband, and no support!.
In our country some of those factors can be alleviated but not always eliminated!. Not all are able to go on to get a higher education to be able to support a one parent family!.
To many are born into a lonely, traumatic environment and die a slow death with out the aid of an abortion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The abortion issue becomes the business of the church because it is resultant of social deviance and involves mass annihilation of human life!. It is undoubtedly the churches responsibility in the form of pastoral care!.

The problem of abortion is championed by biased individuals with prejudicial interest ie, the infertile who resent others becoming pregnant in the absence of them being able to beget a child!. This group forms the largest t and most vocal opposition to abortion!.

Abortion is an evil, undeniably!. It involves destroying a child by tearing it out of the womb limb by limb!. We may not be able to discern any screaming sounds on the ultrasound, but can be reliably assured that it is undoubtedly painful!. That is a termination!.

Y issue is that we live in times wherein society has shed any principles, or moral values!. Youths are encouraged to fornicate from a young age, and there are subtle and subliminal messages in the media that one who does not indulge is a sad or self denying person!. The creation of a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah state!.

Instead of forcing a woman to have a child she accidentally conceived of lust and usually temporal illicitness, considered equally as barbaric as the termination or abortion itself!. If morality is to be eroded, then children should receive mandatory prevention measures!. Birth control!.

Modern society if giving mixed messages on this topic to youngsters and I am vehemently against feminists encouraging children to copulate prior to an age of maturity or understanding!.

Ultimately it is only a woman’s choice if she chooses to produce a child, mindful of the premise that all children deserve the right to be born to a loving married respectable couple, stable and desirous of a child!. The child, and the mother’s welfare to be given primary precedence over and above any social political pariahs seeking laud, glory and publicity in the airing of this deeply sensitive and painful topic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Phrasing questions in terms of 'rights' often leads to ambiguity!. What do we mean by 'right'!? In the law, at least the common law here in the United States, a 'right' is a 'protection upheld by the government'!. So, do we think that all women have the protection upheld by the government to decide in favor of abortion - well, surely they do have this protection already!. For there simply is no statute that rules it's negation!. That is, there is no law that proclaim's the government does not protect all women's decision in favor of abortion or against abortion!.!.!.in fact I'm quite sure that if it were a law, it would immediately be suspect and it is probably unconstitutional to hold otherwise!.

I think what you really meant was this: Do you think that all women have a legal right to decide in favor of having abortion made legal in whatever country they are constituent's!?

You mentioned religion later after your original question - I don't think any religion is telling them anything!. Certainly, people who are affiliated with a religion are telling women what to do; specifically whether they should or should not have an abortion!.

While I agree with what your second question implies (that peoples who are members of a religion tell women that they should or should not get an abortion), I think that claiming ' it is none of their business,' will eventually collapse into absurdity!.!.!.

Imagine this: For people who are affiliated with a religion, and acting as a spokes-person thereby, if it is none of their business to say what people should and should not do, then what business is it of any person to say what other people should and should not do!? I think it is peoples business because, if it were not, then it would not be a legal matter - legal matters are typically civil, criminal, or property matters - and all of these have an affect on every day citizens!. Hence, they are everyone under the laws jurisdiction's business!.!.!.

Ultimately, though, I think abortion ought to be made legal!. Both for legal reason and for moral ones!.


Religion is a GUIDE not a rulebook or a dictator!. Of course, no matter what anyone believes, women still CHOOSE what they do!. Whether or not a person makes the decision because of what they feel is their right, or their moral compass, is really none of our business, is it!? I have an idea--how about it everyone in the world accepts responsibility for what they choose to do and we stop telling people how to live their lives!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, when you mentioned the word "RIGHT", I think, I believe & I support all the RIGHTS of ALL THE WOMEN to apply or to empower that right according to the law of their countries!. Even without being pregnant, a lady might fight for the RIGHT of abortion!. To me, it's like the circumcision! One can get abortion when one needs for health, personal reasons & for social status to some societies!. Unfortunately few states do not allow or few religions do not allow!. My foot! Though I've answered your question from my understanding from your question, yet your question is a little puzzling to me! It would be better to ask,"!.!.!.all the women keep the right to decide!.!.!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

All women should decide to learn birth control and prevent abortion!.
It's a business too hard to handle with our conscience regardless of religion,
But I am not really quite sure if there are exceptions of such very unavoidable circumstances!. That majority would agree for that particular situation concerning a woman's life in her conception!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Abortion is such a personal decision, while some women couldn't ever imagine doing that, it doesn't mean anyone has the right to decide what someone else should do in that situation!. Like one of the other posters said!.!.!.!.many children are born into horrible situations and mistreated, abused and even killed at the hands of their parents!. In those cases, does the religious community think that it would have been better for the mother to have an abortion when the fetus is a couple weeks, rather than having a one, two, or three year old killed by abuse!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women and men both have the right to decide

The 2 people involved man/woman are the only people who should be making decisions involving their futures, personal health, mental wellbeing etc
Abortion is a complex enough issue on its own, societal institutions (religion, media, interest groups, governments) who try to prohibit it only add to dilemmaWww@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't matter either way!. If anyone wants to kill anything or anyone, it won't matter in the end!. The sun will explode and everyone will be toast!. The universe does not care!.

Let people, abort, murder, torture, deceive all they wish!. It is all just as worthless as the good deeds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we have the right to mak eour decision in wether keeping the baby or not!. i've neverhad one because im extremely carfeul with protection but i'd love to decide for myself if it'll happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What business is it for you to tell religion what to believe!?

I am 100% pro-choice!. But that doesn't make it an easy issue, or one that should be void of moral concern!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do bellieve all Women have that right,but I could never, No matter what, Not even if I was attack, I could not choose that for myself!.Have a good night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all pregnant women DEFINITELY have the right to choose but should greatly consider the fathers opinion as well and then make the decisionWww@QuestionHome@Com

who says only religious people tell them no, im atheist and i think its wrong except in cases of rape or medical difficultiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Just the pregnant ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All have the freedom of choice !. An the right to live with the results !.Www@QuestionHome@Com