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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible to make wise decisions if you have incomplete information?

Question: Is it possible to make wise decisions if you have incomplete information!?
Is it ever possible to have complete information!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Is this a trick question!? We struggle to become educated and, in the process, obtain reasonable beliefs that endure!. However, faced with blatant evidence to the contrary our beliefs may change!. In the absence of contradictions, though, emotionally satisfying beliefs are what we choose to believe!. If you’re like me, you do not like to waste time thinking about unsubstantiated ideas that turn out to be emotionally unfulfilling!. So, here’s a summary of the religious implications that follow from what I believe: 1) Religion and science can be brought into harmony; that is, they may be equally reverenced without conflict!. 2) Because human self-awareness, life, and the physical-chemical processes that support life, are all embedded in divine extensive connection, humans are born with the potential to right the wrongs caused by “ignorance based injustices!.” 3) The values used to judge right from wrong follow from the extensive connection process; that is, values used to judge right from wrong are life affirming and freedom affirming values!. In other words, in terms of a minimum quality of life, within the prevailing economic realities, no person should be denied the basic necessities of life; and further, sufficient freedoms (within the limits of reasonable expectation) should be in place to allow for meaningful self-expression (the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are a good place to start)!. As long as these two conditions are satisfied market competition, within prevailing economic realities, should be permitted!. Anything less than that—the minimum standard of living for all human beings, -- is an “ignorance based injustice!.” 4) And finally, in regards to a religious afterlife: death is not the end, but things like virgins, talks with Jesus, and eternal bliss, are spurious and misplaced expectations!. So, do I have complete information in order to "deduce" my beliefs,--of course not!. We do the best we can with the information we have and the emotional "needs" that nurtured our existence!. That's all we have Fred and that's enough; until we are confronted with a blatant contradiction;--that is, we are confronted with believing two beliefs that contradict one another,--we believe what we want to believe and we are right until!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a matter of how you define your terms!.
You can never have "complete" information, because things change over time, and perspectives vary!. Thus, any decision can only be considered wise or unwise within a particular context!.

For example, was it wise to switch to gas power instead of steam!? Well, it allowed for huge industrial growth and technological advancement, which was good!. But it also made the Middle East strategically important, and made all the conflict there relevant to everyone!. It also set in motion events that may lead to major climate change that could adversely affect millions of people!. These things would have to be considered bad!. It really depends on the context in which you're considering the decision!.

I think a decision can be considered wise when the possible outcomes are considered, the likelihood of each outcome is assessed, and contingencies for the forseen outcomes are planned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, you can never have complete information!. Part of the relevant information necessary to make a completely informed decision is information about the future, which is fundamentally undetermined (plus your decision affects the future, adding another wrinkle)!.
Further, an attempt to have all information before making a decision at all costs leaves us paralyzed and unable to act at all!. See Kierkegaard's Diary of a Seducer (section from Either/Or) for more on that!. You can also watch the character of Vince on Pulp Fiction based partly on Kierkegaard's work!.
Rather, you must act in time, you must make your decisions as the choices present themselves in your life!. Be as informed as practicable, but not to the point of paralysis!.
It's a balancing act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The definition of wisdom is saying and doing anything after careful consideration of all relevant information then drawing logical conclusions so obviously you need information to decide wisely or if you don't have it then you may be wiser not to decide!.

Of course you can have complete information about most things and even incomplete information is sometimes enough to make a wise decision!. For example, if you are offered a lift by a drunk in his car you may not know exactly how drunk or that he will definitely have an accident but it may still be wise to refuse the lift even with incomplete information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wise decisions can be made on incomplete information if a great deal of experience is already present, in which case add'l info is not, as per se, NEEDED!. 10 situations in a row where all variables roughly the same - the 11th situation comes along, same variables, same players, and the same outcome!. Of course, complete information would INSURE a greater possibility of a wise choice!. However wise choices imply one knows what to DO with the information that is received!. If you ask me, knowing THAT is the real wisdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of the fallibility of human nature, it is not always possible to make the best decisions in life!. There are simply too many variables in all decisions made!. But remember, a wise well researched decision always has the best chance of success and counting on research rather than luck is always a good way to go!.!.!.!.!.!. Good luck!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not completely informed on this particular subject subject but my life's wisdom tells me that the more you are informed on a subject the better you can inform others on a subject!.

If you have more tools (information) then you can "put together" better answers and give people more accurate information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Making a wise decision involves analysing the information you have and making a choice that best suits the circumstances!. I don't think you can ever have complete information but you can have adequate information to make a good informed decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is the definition of a wise decision, when you make a decision without complete information

is it possible to have all the details- no, that is why you have to take the info that you have and make the best possible decision that you can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A wise decision would be to investigate all your options before making a decision!. That almost sounds like an oxymoron!. To decide before you decide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's never possible to have complete information on anything!.!.!.if you do, contact harvard, yale, and the news!. The way we make wise decisions is common sense!.!.!.mark twain said it best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wise being relative!.!.!. I say sureWww@QuestionHome@Com

i have the complete infoWww@QuestionHome@Com