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Position:Home>Philosophy> I was watching "the weather man" with nicholas cage...?

Question: I was watching "the weather man" with nicholas cage!.!.!.!?
the weather man was a good movie, there was one scene in it where he went out to get tartar sauce and we the audience were able to listen to his racing thoughts!.!.!. anyway, one of his thoughts was "I wish I had two penises" or something like that, and I found this repulsive!

how many men think this sorta s*t!? and am i weird to find it repulsive!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not a man, but I can tell you I don't think you're weird - one person's fantasies of body distortion are bound to seem repulsive to some other person!. I imagine it's normal enough, though, for guys to have thoughts like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who has never thought that!? C'mon!Www@QuestionHome@Com