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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your definition of Marxism?

Question: What is your definition of Marxism!?
I've heard about how it's like communism and stuff!. i thought it was a bit different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The League of the Just, an Illuminist spinoff into the working class (i!.e!., having a few key leaders from the Illuminati group in Bavaria) hired KM to document and footnote their program!. That was "Capital!." Later Marx developed a more progressive and personal stance, "Critique of the Gotha Program!." However, when drinking, he was known by his drinking buddies to curse Communists, ridicule them, etc!.

Marx' thought was quite psychologistic; he equated personal freedom with interchangeability of labor, missing the managerial division and specialization of labor which powered subsequent industrialization!. As a consequence of specialization, marxian predictions have mostly failed!.

There are real plutocrats in the world, e!.g!. Daniel Estulin's "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group!." However, Marx' program is too naive and illogical (it is impossible to prove a universal negative such as "God is not;" it is an unfounded hypothesis that Matter drives evolution, etc!.)!.

Reverend Richard Wurmbrand's unique research access into Kremlin archives produced "Marx and Satan," a look at Marx' personal life!.

Karl's mother has the last word: "Karl should have made capital, not written it!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Communism and stuff descend from Marxism, as Marxism descends from Hegellianisn (not the philosophy of Hegel but that of his followers, the "hegelians"!.)

The Hegelian idea is that each epoc in the world follows a pattern called "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" meaning that you get an idea like "civilization," then you get a counter-action like "war", and finally you get a sythesis like "diplomacy!."

Marxists believe that there is such a relationship between three economic systems Agrarianism, Capitalism and Communalism!. Espousing the cause of communalism is called Marxism!. Anarchism, Communism, Maoism and Socialism are all forms (or attempts at) communalism!.

So to say Marxism is Hegelianism is correct, to say Hegelianism is Marxism is wrong!. To say that Communism is Marxism is correct but to say Communism was the intent of Karl Marx is wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Despite the fact that Karl Marx was German he created his theories in good intention!.He never meant his creation to lead to a World disaster where freedoms are confiscated and human beings becoming numbers or objects!.The oppression of the Russian Caesars was so great as to inspire many theories of salvation of which Marxism is one !.In Marxism the personal property is forbidden and all people must work for the communist regime as numbers and therefore all creativity is lost due to the absence of motives and both lazy and hard workers will get nearly the same wages which results in diminished production and hidden poverty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the economic model proposed by the German economist Karl Marx and adopted by the Socialists Lenin and Trotsky as the basis for Communism in Russia after the October Revolution!.

It differs from other economic models such as those of Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman in that Marxism supports State monopolistic control rather than a free market driven by supply, demand and competition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go and read Sir karl Popper's "The Open society and its Enemies"!.Its in 2 volumes(paperbacks now!)and one deals with Marx and his influence!.
Sir karl was there right-at-the-heart of things,so to speak,and you may not get a more open,decisive and reasoned account than his(i am biased,of course,but this should not distract you from reading and exploring this chapter in the world's history- its influence,especially its academic or literature one,its ideology and its "religious-type-influence,an influence,if you havent known it,still resides in parts of Europe-so now you have been warned!)!.
Anyway,good luck,and although sir karl is not here anymore,he would wish you the same i'm sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com