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Question: One Of The Most Depressing Questions!!?
okkk !.!.!. every one hates this question because it it hard to find the rigth answer!.!.
so the question is!.!.!.

What came first, the chicken or the egg!?!?

i have to write a full essay on what i think came first!.!.!.!.

this is torture!
anyways for those who answered!.!. thank youu : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well write it depending on if you believe in evolution or not!.

I suppose you can say that you believe in the bible's stories literally, and then that God put all the animals on the Earth and you can presume since Adam was full grown when God created him that a chicken must be as well!.

After all who would keep the egg warm to hatch!? Without a hen nesting on it, the embryo would die!.


That is what I would type for an essay with such a stupid topic!. Ask your teacher which came first: You reporting this to the principal or her getting fired!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well provided evolution is correct then it follows that the egg must have come first and that a chicken exists because of an anomoly that allowed it to be more suscessful than the creature before it!.
Chickens were demostacated so we have had a hand in their evolution for some time!.
We have even taken it to the next level as we are genticaly engineering them now so that they are bigger leaner and featherless so that they can be farmed in tropical areas with out the cost of air conditioning that feathered fowl require!.
You see it starts off as an anomoly when the egg is fertilized, if it is benificial then it will pass its genetics on, or in the case of demosticated fowls natural selection is infringed upon and the desired traits are selected for reproduction and the rest are removed from the breeding population!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fredric Cohen (1959 AD- ) pointed out that, had the egg come first, there would have been no chicken (hen) to lay it, sit on it and keep it warm, so a live chick would never have hatched from it!. So the egg needs a chicken!. The question now is where did that first chicken come from!?

If only an egg that is laid by a chicken and that will hatch into a chicken can be considered a chicken egg: Then the first chicken came from a different type of egg (not a chicken egg) and laid the first chicken egg!. In this case eggs (in general) came first, the chicken came after, and the chicken egg came last!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first chicken emerged from the egg of some proto-chicken like predecessor - that's basic evolutionary biology!. So, obviously there were eggs before chickens!. The relevant question is "Which came first, the chicken or the *chicken* egg!?" This is subtler, because it basically asks us to decide if the egg is defined by what it came from (the proto chicken parent) or what emerges from it (a chicken)!. So, was the first *chicken* egg what hatched the first chicken, or was the first chicken egg *laid* by that first chicken!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i agree with andy and always thought this question was just a different way of stating the argument between creationism and evolution!. If it was evolution the creature would grow wings feathers whatever over millions of years through offspring gradually becoming more chicken like!. till it eventually laid an egg that was a chicken!.

although the creationists have no explananation for the mutations/ developments that have been found by science!.
I'd off that evolution might just be how god works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I used to have the perfect answer for this!. It is not the battle of Creationism vs!. Darwinism!. The Creation would automatically assume that "God" created the chicken therefore it have come first!. Darwinism would call for a gradual transference to the chicken species!. Well, there would finally have to be a creature to evolve into what we call a chicken before there could be chicken eggs!. Simply put, The chicken came first, although we do not know why he crossed the road, lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's impossible to answer the question with the right answer because no one knows for sure and no one can ever be sure!. You could put the egg because with out it there could be no chicken!. however where did the egg come from!? You need a chicken to have an egg!. So you could always say God put the chicken or egg on the planet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whatever you say, no one can prove that it is wrong anyway!. Personally I prefer to say the egg should have come first because we can see eggs come first, and chickens come from the eggs later and we will never see the otherway around!. When eggs come from chickens, they are their second generation, not the same thing!. Seeing is believing, therefore egg first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha, I heard this question for the first time in Kindergarten and the little boy answered, "the chicken came first, who else was going to lay the egg"!. Blew the teachers mind, but sure made a lot of sense! = )Www@QuestionHome@Com

My dear I read your problem, you have northmen problem!. You make a good link with God,God will take all responsibilities!. Then you have no thinking!. You should not shout which first chicken or the egg!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

egg!. some other creature laid an egg with a genetic mutation that grew up to be a chicken, which laid more chicken eggs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com