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Position:Home>Philosophy> You know those people who die for a minute and come back?

Question: You know those people who die for a minute and come back!?
cause their heart stops or whatever!. can that actually happen!? or like I read one where someone was dead for 3 days!. is it really possible for them to be DEAD even for a second!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Now we get to the tricky question: what is it that really makes you dead!? And it's tricky because even a doctor would be hard-pressed to say exactly where that line is!.

NOTE: If you are squeamish, stop reading this answer right here!. I've made my point!. I'm about to talk about some morbid and possibly disturbing things to those who are sensitive!. You have been warned!.

Usually what we CALL dead is 'showing no signs of life'!. But look at what that says!.!.!. it doesn't say they AREN'T alive, just that they show no SIGNS of it!. And that's for the very reason you state: there are people who show no signs of life one moment who start breathing in the next, get up, and want to go home!.

The reverse can happen all the time!. Heart cells have a tendancy to beat even if they are completely removed from a heart!. A human body is made up of trillions of cells!. At any given point during your life, some of them are dying and some of them are dead, and even days after you are 'dead' there are quite a few of them that are still alive and doing their thing as well as they can!. If tissues didn't remain alive after a host's death, we wouldn't be able to transplant organs and the like at all!. But many organs will last at least a few hours even when severed entirely from your body, if the conditions are right!.

So suppose someone cut up a living person and put each organ, still alive, into a separate jar!. No part of the original 'person' is dead!. Is that person dead, though!? We certainly can't put them entirely back together again!.!.!. at least not right now!. They WILL be dead soon!. So what is it!? Alive or dead!?

It all just depends on where you CHOOSE to draw the line!. It's nowhere near as clear as many like to think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tough question!. physically yes because their heart stops working and so does their brain, past the point of being a vegetable, but then again if they come back you cant mark them as deceased so in that sense they never died!. its kind of a paradox!. they have been physically dead but have not truly died so based on that they have not died!. this is based on the logic that the truth cant contradict itself but a lie can!. similar principle!. interesting question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sure it is, death is a biological halt of your vital systems that's all!. when you're revived the systems are working again and you are considered alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In cases where someone has been under water in freezing temperatures,it has been like,around an hour,so it does happen!.Three days!?That's absurd!.Not even 3 hours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

near death experienceS!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

YA! u hear it all the time! its cool huh!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com