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Question: Seeking the truth!?
Is it our mind or our heart that makes us want to seek out the truth!? Or is there a different reason!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a bit of both, as well as the fact that our personality traits may play a part too!. But if i had to choose out of the mind and the heart, i think i would say heart!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps a combination, but without the heart, without sincerity the seeker will not truly find!. There are many people, most people actually, who prefer mind games and manipulating words or think that truth is expressed in words!. But truth is wordless!. Like trying to understand sweets with a recipe book!. Words will never make you understand until you taste the sweet and then you will understand, but it is wordless, that is, you do not need words to understand the experience and taste of sweets!.

It is also partly fate too!. Some people are not interested at all and others are so passionate that that is all they do!. It is a question of how developed the soul is and how active or passive it is in relation to the body and mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Satisfaction of the soul and mind when we finally find truths!.
I spent many years seeking, studying, researching, looking for truth!.
I can tell you it isn't found in any religious book!. You won't find it in any church!. It is there when you open your mind to alternate possibilities, beliefs, etc!. Look to nature for the answers!. Look at life without religious dogma and you will find the truth in Nature!.
My truth is to be satisfied with any situation I am in, to accept and love myself, to be an individual, to continue to read and study everything, to love and help others (human and animals), to get rid of guilt by living positively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I think the answer to that depends upon the question or issue!. Some matters come from the heart, others from an intellectual perspective!. For example, the truth about who one's father really is, or the truth about whether someone is cheating in a relationship or the truth about whether your son stole something!.
Others seek the truth regarding a governement's past actions, the truth about steriod use among athletes, the truth about corporate sponsors for the super-bowl, etc!.
Depends upon a person's connection to the issue!.
Just my humble opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's built into our brains!. It is better to know that there is a lion in the cave than to believe blindly there is a lion in the cave!. On the other hand, Brains are capable of coping with a certain amount of mutually contradicting truth claims!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's built into our existence!. While the mind seeks intellectual certainty, the human soul longs for certitude!. Such inner conviction is the ultimate goal of all spiritual seeking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's your heart that speaks up to seek truth, and the brain supports it, or vice versa!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both most likely!. Our minds are forever curious, and our hearts fuel some of us with the passion to continue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your heart pumps blood!.
Your mind observes and evaluates!.

!.!.!.gee, what do YOU think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

its ur momWww@QuestionHome@Com