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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think it's a BAD thing to desire being financially wealthy, if you

Question: Do you think it's a BAD thing to desire being financially wealthy, if you're poor & struggling!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's dangerous to make extremes into good and bad!. To think: "Where I'm at is bad, so I will desire the opposite", will make sure you miss out on the whole point of living as well as missing the opportunities that can change your situation!. You risk putting the blinkers on and miss the whole show!.

It's all about perception!.!.!.you know "consider the lilies"

To be poor in your question must mean being without money, this is a tough situation, especially in our world today!. It does take so much time to just survive, and our society describes this situation as one of the worst!. If we decide to let society dictate good and bad in this pragmatic way, we're an easy target for letting society label us as good and bad people on the same grounds!.!.!.so suddenly we're talking about the value of a person!.!.!.and then we're on dodgy grounds!.

The way out of poverty isn't to make money, but only to find ways of cultivating ourselves!. This goes for all kind of poverty, mental as well!.

I think there are better motivators!. To aim for a life that is informed, happy, joyous, loving, free!. Those are actually words of human pleasure!.!.!.compared to money, which is just a measureWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's a BAD thing if it keeps you from finding what happiness is available to you!. I've gone through times in my life when I did not have much money but I still enjoyed walks in the park and the feel of the breeze on my face, the music of the birds singing and much, much more!. You don't have to be wealthy to be happy!.

On the other hand, I knew people who had LOTS more money than I did and who were unhappy!. They obsessed about the money and making more so they were not able to appreciate what they had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on your beliefs!.

that aside, being financially wealthy will not satisfy you in any way, don't lean on anything of this world, ie!. don't lean on money to make you happy!.

Most wealthy people are horribly in debt!. This is because we as humans always tend to overspend our personal finances!. The more finances we have, the more (incrementally) we percieve we can buy, and so on and so forth!.

When you are financially struggling (which I am as well by the way) you will learn better than anybody else how to properly spend the money you have!.!.!.

Its not wrong to want to be rich, it is however, kind of immoral to actually BE rich!. thats just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it′s not a bad thing to desire wealth, it′s natural, even if you′re not poor and struggling!.
i guess we always want more of things, however much we′ve already got, and that includes financial wealth, but not only!.
the wrong thing would be to abuse of money, for instance by gaining at the expense of others or by using it to cause damage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and no!.

Yes because if you eventually get wealthy and you were poor once and dreaming about this moment, then chances are that you are going to abuse the money and power!.

No because it will give you hope, something to look forwards to and something to work for!.

:) interesting question!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I don't think it's a bad thing! It used to be they said to watch soaps and then your life wouldn't feel so bad, so I watched and I thought "GIVE ME A BREAK!!! ATLEAST THEY HAVE MONEY!!" lol Ayhow, just remember, money will not bring you happiness! But sharing it with other less fortuate will bring you peace and happiness! I hope you get what you want!Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol no way! It depends on just how much you want!.

I personally just wanna have enough to never worry about rent/bills/etc ever again!. (which doesn't take Bill Gates money) Once my family is guaranteed to be secure and never have to worry again, that's plenty for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, wealth is a fine goal - even if you're not poor and struggling!. The only thing is to stay clean and honorable in your pursuit of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are financially down of course you would want to have more money!. The dream of not worrying about depts or how much you can spend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because it gives you something to strive for!. It gives you something to look forward to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be unnatural not to!Www@QuestionHome@Com