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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there any other life in our universe?

Question: Is there any other life in our universe!?
for science we have to debate whether we think that there is any other life in the universe or not!. my team has been assigned against the argument- so we dont think there is any other life in the universe!.

i need two points to support the argument and i have to be able to talk about them for a minute eachWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My friend you got the short end of the stick!. Your trying to prove we exist in this on this!.!.!. well in the vast expanse of the universe we are nothing more no we are less than a tiny little particle, a neutrino, an atom, we are infinetly small!.

Why would you even try to argue we are the only ones in this universe!. I hate to say this buddy but this subject is pretty much one sided!. You don't know whether we are alone in this universe or not as much as you know if there is a God or not or if the universe is infinite or if it is ever expanding!. Your trying to figure out what started the big bang my friend in other words your boned!.

Of course one arguement could be:

1) GOD made me, I'm the best, humans deserve everything, we are the ultimate species, ha ha, everything else can kiss my selfish a$$!.

I exagerate a little bit to get across a true point about the true meaning!. Otherwise you really can't argue!.

he universe is so vast that you cannot know what planets are capable of supporting life!.

Our instuments used to try to hear alien broadcasts can't reach that far, let the fact that if there were "aliens" what if they are underdevolped and in the 'stone age' or perhaps their instruments and telecommunication stations are just as weak as ours!?

I'll say it again!. Your screwed, to put it lightly!.

Now in our solar system!? I don't think so!.
In our galaxy!? Maybe!.
I our universe!.!.!.!. we'll lets try to understand infinity first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha i heard that when we all die, cockroaches will rule the world because their so hard to kill!.!.

OK, well i believe that there is life out there but two arguments you could use could be:
1!. The planet would have to be rocky, it would need water, and it would need to be a suitable temperature, and that is really rare in the universe (their still looking for a planet like this in our universe)
2!. Life would somehow have to get to the other planet, and since space is too cold or hot for life in most parts, chances are life couldn't have gotten to the other earth if there was one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Just because there are an infinite number of stars, where the possibility of other life forms may possibly exist in some form, does not make it so!. There is no evidence to support the existence of life on other planets, though the search continues!. They are still searching for the Loch Ness monster and big foot too!.
2)If life did exist out there somewhere, due to the time it takes even light to travel those distances, their planet has long ago ceased to exist!. Novas, black holes, super-nova's and countless other observed spacial phenomenon, are still a mystery and will remain so because life can not be sustained above the speed of light!. The protoplasm that supposedly created life here on earth, could not have survived on some meteor that just happened to land here!. And even at the speed of light, it would still take thousands of years to travel those distances, assuming you had a destination in mind!. You cant exactly stop and ask directions!. And getting lost on a universal scale, would be permanent!. Even if life does exist out there, it cant be proven!. That makes it a theory, a never ending theory!. Believing something exists does not make it so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am almost sure that there is!. One of the supporting points is the system of planets!. There is life on earth because Earth is located in a privileged position with relation to the sun!. It has been proved the existence of millions of other solar systems throughout our galaxy!. It's only obvious that in other planetary systems a planet is located within the same position of our planet earth in relation to another sun!.

A second point is the one about the theory that water has been brought to our planet through comets whose heads are composed of iced meteors almost as large
as planet earth!. The proof that they have hit
on earth, is an evidence that other planets in other systems have been hit and contain water steaming with life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

talk about the perfect conditions needed for intelligent life and the time frame that it lasts!. I freshwater full planet an exact distance from the sun, good proportion of land to water, and the time it takes for life to form to the time it lasts!. It took billions of years for the dinosaurs to form, and they barely lasted 150million years!. Humans have been on Earth for 3 million years, and only in the last 50 years have we gone beyond our atmosphere!. Pollution and damage to wildlife is threatening to make Earth uninhabited soon as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no real reasons because the Truth is that we are not alone!.

However, for the sake of the query, I try to make up some:

Life does not exist elsewhere because if it did they would have contact us by now!. (That's incorrect because no one has lived in every place on earth and for the last millions of years its been spinning on its axis)

Life does not exist elsewhere because we would have found them by now with our instruments (That's incorrect because they could be using something completely different)

Life does not exist elsewhere because in the bible it says that God only created life on earth (That's incorrect because there's no where within it that says "God only created life on earth" It didn't say God created black holes, yet they exist)

Life does not exist elsewhere because there is no evidence that they exist (Once again this is incorrect!. One hasn't been to all places, studied all religions, meet all people, to have proof there is no evidence Additionally, just because there is no "evidence" has no basis on whether or not that really exist!.)

Simply put, there are no real reasons why life can't exist in the universe because when you up against exploiting the truth real reason will never work!. It's more about personal preference than anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, we are subjects of the master race of Earth: cockroaches!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We call them angels!.Holy hosts of God's kingdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com