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Question: Yin and yang!?
i would like a breif explanation on what the yin and yang is and what is for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yin and yang represents the oneness or unity in duality!. (male/female, dark/light)
The unity is the reality, the duality is the illusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (simplified Chinese: 阴阳; traditional Chinese: 陰陽; pinyin: yīnyáng) are generalized descriptions of the antitheses or mutual correlations in human perceptions of phenomena in the natural world, combining to create a unity of opposites in the theory of the Taiji!. The term liang yi (simplified Chinese: 两仪; traditional Chinese: 兩儀; pinyin: liǎngyí, lit!. "two mutually correlated opposites"), also known as Yin and Yang or earth and heaven has a similar meaning!.

The concept of yin and yang (or earth and heaven) describes two opposing and, at the same time, complementary (completing) aspects of any one phenomenon (object or process) or comparison of any two phenomena!. They are universal standards of quality at the basis of the systems of correspondence seen in most branches of classical Chinese science and philosophy, traditional Chinese medicine being an example[1]!.

Yin (陰 or 阴 "shady place, north slope, south bank (river); cloudy, overcast"; Japanese: in or on; Korean: ?, Vietnamese: am) qualities are characterized as soft, slowness, substantial, water, cold, conserving, tranquil, gentle, and corresponds to the night!.

Yang (陽 or 阳 "sunny place, south slope, north bank (river), sunshine"; Japanese: yō; Korean: ?, Vietnamese: d??ng) qualities are characterized as hot, fire, restless, hard, dry, excitement, non-substantial, rapidity, and corresponds to the day!.

Two opposites existing in one circle; cannot be separated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Westerner use God to explain the unknown!.
Chinese use Yin and Yang to explain the unknown!.

Yin and Yang in brief, is a concept created by the Chinese on how the universe is created and how does the universe work!.

The universe is believe to be created when the egg broke into two ( Yin and Yang ) with a big bang!.
Then 2 become 4,
4 become 8,
8 become 16,
16 become 32,
32 become 64 and so on!.

The Yin and Yang elements include sun and moon, night and day, male and female and so on and on!.

This concept is also use in Traditional Chinese Medicine with great success!. The practise are still in use today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Opposite yet complimentry!. Or you could say that you could'nt have one without the other!. For example, male and female, day and night!. Note, however, that yin and yang does not incorporate those things that are diametrically opposed to one another like good and evil, as they do not compliment but rather conflict with each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yin and Yang, Ming and Mong, Black and White!.!.!.etc!.

The similar qualities of two opposing forces or extremes!.

Example: Islam seeks to dominate the world be converting all to its religious ideals!.

America seeks to brainwash all nations to its anti-culture media blasphemies!.

The task and objective is the conquer, dominance and oppression of races and people!.

Two opposing extremes similar in principle and cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Star Trek, episode: The Enemy Within!. Capt!. Kirk is split into two beings!. One is kind and benevolent (good)!. The other mean and ruthless (evil)!. They could not exist separate!. They could only function as one entity!. Thus is the yin/yang philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The concept of yin and yang describes to opposing,but at the same time,complementary aspects of any one phenomenon or the comparison of any two phenomena!.
I cud go on but you said breif!.Www@QuestionHome@Com