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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it so hard to do something that you have to do but dont want to?

Question: Why is it so hard to do something that you have to do but dont want to!?
If you have to do something - like an assignment or something that you can actually do - you just dont want to, why is it so hard to actually do it when your mind knows it has to be done and can be done!. Why does your brain transmit signals to you to procrastonate when it knows you need to do the work and you can do it!? What are the evolutionary benifits of procrastination!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no drive to do that task!.

Evolution was not built around doing homework!. It was built around survival, eating, and mating!.

Fear, hunger, and loneliness drive those feelings!.

Unfortunately there is no 'homework' pang built into our systems!. Hence no motivation to typically do homework!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing is, the way you think does influence the situation!. Interest plays a key role in any task as it serves as the motivation that can indeed spur one to get the job done well and done effectively!. Without proper motivation, the task becomes arduous and dull!.

So, even if you have to do something, if you're not interested, it becomes more difficult!. You not only have to face the task, but you also have to deal with forcing yourself to get it done!. You double the effort just to get one job done right!. Meanwhile, it's easier to do something if you know that you are genuinely interested because your natural curiosity and enthusiasm makes the job more appealing to you!. And so, it becomes more of something fun (like a hobby) rather than something taxing (like duty)!. As the saying goes, if you enjoy what you do, you'll never work a day in your life!.

Procrastination often results from reluctance!. Although it is mostly a bad habit, it may have a few benefits!. Under the right circumstances, it could serve as an excuse from implusive actions!. In some cases, "delayed tactics" are more effective for some people as they are able to think/work better when the pressure gets to them (especially knowing they have to meet a deadline)!. Still, overall, it is better not to delay stuff!. As the saying goes: don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today!. Life is short so live every moment as though it were your last!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution is a messy and ever-changing business, so not every attribute necessarily constitutes an evolutionary benefit!. I believe that, as humans, we have moved beyond mere survival instinct and into the realm of pleasure for its own sake!. Why shouldn't life feel good!? That seems like a pretty good evolutionary directive to me! So maybe we fight things that don't feel good to us simply because we're wired to do things that do feel good!. Having said that, however, we have also evolved the facility for reason, which can override any illogical and purely hedonistic impulses we have that might ultimately not be to our best advantage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With some things you are just being lazy but I think procrastination can also be just wanting to fill time!.

If we jumped into every task we set our sights on, we would burn out!. Some things are delayed because the time just isn't right for it, at the moment!. Take a hobby like art!. I am a sculptor and painter for around ten years and do not like to force it!. I can go upstairs to my little "studio" at leisure and when it has called me like in about a minute from now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Naturally, people do not like to be told what to do!.!.!. so don't worry!. Some learn to accept it others get used to it and yet some others like me procrastinate til the eve of the deadline!. he only reward for procrastination is that one learns to work under pressure which is a great attribute in the corporate world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people do things not because they have to do it!.
They do it because of motivation!.

Motivation could be positive or negative!.
Positive in the sense of a reward!.
Negative in the sense of a punishment!.

If they do not have a motivation, it wil be hard for them to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hear you!
My theory is that procrastination is either:
a result of us trying to accomplish something that we don't really want to do
or wanting to do something but feeling guilty because it's not what others think we should be doing!.
My thoughts are!.!.!. what are you thinking about or doing when you are procrastinating!? Perhaps THAT is what you really want to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its just easier to push things off till last minute!. because last minute youre more motivated because you HAVE to do it then!. its no longer a choice!. when you have the choice you choose the easier of the twoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because some people are just lazy!. I was always told I was lazy but I never believed it!. Then 1 day I realised I am soooo lazy!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. everybody is different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anal is always toguh imo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com