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Question: Is there truth!?
The World I see in my mind, we are all products of what we are taught!. What we see, hear, experience in every sense, and much of that nowadays comes from school, cartoons and movies as a child, television!. We read revised history from schoolbooks, which mention nothing about 80-95% what clothing, rope, paper-our US declaration of dependence is made from hemp!. pharmacuetical drugs are made with synthetic chemicals, have not been tested long, and yet this is what we rely on for medicine!. Our foods are processed with addictive chemicals and the genetically modified produce which is playing a factor to the bees going extinct, and also the increase in allergies!. But don't worry theres prescription free zyrtec!.!.!.I would like people to research more about this world around us-specifically those who own the most wealth!. Maybe read rosthchilds book or learn about eugenics!. Its all we can do to know what has happened and is happening to know where we are headed!. Friendly suggestion- aspartameWww@QuestionHome@Com

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I agree with you that their is much about our daily lives that we do not know about or rather we only know as much as were taught by others however one must remember that while we are usually subjectively taught as kids we can (as you have clearly done) learn things and do independent research on our own, and thus find our own truths!. if you are speaking of a universal truth I don’t personally think their is one as the meaning of life (which I believe is what your truly asking) can mean different things to different people however one trait that we all historically share as humans is our curiosity, this web site proves that we are always full of questions unfortunately some of them have no single answer (declaration of independence is made of hemp lol :D)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no substance that exists that would be called truth!.

So truth doesn't have an existence like a tree or rock!.

You speak of truth as an attribute of some statement, its truth value, which is how well it maps to the real world!. If the statement is not an accurate description of the world you say that it is not true!.

Only someone who has an agenda would then take a question about truth and turn it into an advocacy for hemp!.

Eugenics is nothing more than a political program to get rid of people that you don't like!. It is a discredited quack science!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well thought out!. This only goes to show how offcourse the life of man presently is!. It is so sad that even the foods we eat, as you describe, is no longer natural!. To reverse these 'life' threatening trends, in my opinion, require severe measures, which perhaps can be handle at govermental level if the will and recognition is there!. Is there truth!?, offcourse there is! Truth is eternal and constant and it is of God!. Dont look for it from your fellow human beings because we have deviated from it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is generally the perception of mind!. It depends on how much belief you have on the person who is telling it to you!. Sometimes i feel world feels that more person say then its truth!.

But truth never means history!. It always supports the Powerful!. Have you ever heard good things once the province has lost the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, and the way to it is just being aware of this moment without words, understanding that the moment, the now is not right or wrong but is all that there is, this is how we come to the very essence of existing!.

It is when we start thinking that things begin to make no sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that truth is an idea, in a perfect world there would be no truth because people would never lieWww@QuestionHome@Com

truth is subjective
I believe there IS truth!.!.!.but it is abstractWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Good question! Hard to answer really!. To a lot of people truth is what is real!. What you can see touch ect!. Truth is logic!. I don't believe this is always the case!. To me truth is what is really going on, really happening though it may not all ways be apparent!. You may not be able to see or touch or logically understand it yet whatever it is, is the truth!. The truth can be harsh and most always uncaring if someone gets hurt!. A lot of people don't want to hear the truth any more, even though the truth (what ever it may be) is what needs to be heard the most!. I believe the truth has some how became lost threw out the years of us trying to rewrite things to our liking!. I agree that wee need to take a closer look at the world around us and what we find as real and where this world is heading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there are two kinds: Universal truth(objective) & relative truth(subjective)!.

Truth that is not absolute!? varying truth!? perception!?

I have 10 toes altogether, now thats an absolute truth!.

Scientists still yet succeeded in looking inside an atom, but we still have models for whats inside, and learn them from school!. Is that a truth!? No perception - relative truth!.

'Facts are stubborn things which cannot be changed!.'

'There are no facts/truth, only interpretations!.'

Two quotes, different 'truth'!.

in conclusion, truth is both absolute and relative, absolute truth is more dominant however, there are more 'relative truth' than the actual truth because somethings cant be 'absolute' truth as we'll find flaws!. ie - few 'vestigial organs', we thoughts they have no function, and we took that as 'absolute truth', now we found some of them are not 'vestigial' at all!. So the 'absolute truth' was actually 'relative truth'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com