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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do languages have phrase "great warrior" but not "great peace

Question: Why do languages have phrase "great warrior" but not "great peacemaker"!?
Do humans value going to war more than making peace!?
Or, do we just want to acknowledge sacrifices of those who go to war to protect our lives!?
But, does that mean that peacemakers do not deserve as much acknowledgment!? (even though we all prefer living in peace)
Or, is it because social animals look up to and follow powerful individuals who fight and go to war!?

What are your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
languages have both phrases, it is the people who give much weigh to the warrior status, the propaganda of the governments that tries to make war a noble thing to do and to conscript more young people to fulfil its agenda, Religions that urges their followers to wage holly wars, all these factors and others make the peacemaker light dims next to the war monger as all cultures build monuments for warriors and nothing for peacemakers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because there is a quote that says!. he who wants peace should prepare for war!. oddly enough to keep the peace violence is used!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We do have words such as 'saint' and 'humanitarian'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com