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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is Time sequential or cyclic?

Question: Is Time sequential or cyclic!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Using the mathematically accepted definition of a "second", time is sequential!.

A second that passes will not pass again!.

Events that occur throughout the passage of time can take on a cyclical nature (i!.e!. history repeating itself) but time will not repeat; just as I will never again be able to retrieve the time that passed whilst I answered this question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When it comes to time people often ask themselves if its either sequential or cyclic or both!.

To me, cyclic doesnt make much sense, because in order for the cyclic model to work, 'initializing event' must function forever, and time doesnt come back!. I may be wrong, but it is highly unlikely!.

Our perception of time is flawed, it is easier to think as a sequential thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not know!. Maybe cyclic!. There are minor cyles and major cycles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com