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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can people recognise your presence without seeing you by the tune you are always

Question: Can people recognise your presence without seeing you by the tune you are always whistling, humming, singing !?
It may be a song stuck in your head that surfaces when you are in neutral, bored, waiting, nervous, fearful!. And others know you are around when they hear that tune!. Can you - Name That Tune !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I whistle in a whisper, if that makes sense!. If there isn't a real tune going through my head, then there's a really annoying one that I made up bugging me!.

So, I whisper whistle constantly!.

It's my "trademark!." Drives my family nuts!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's interesting!. I'm not sure if I do it, but I know sometimes my Dad hums and I can tell it's him!. It's probably just his voice though because I can hear the same vibrations as when he speaks!. I wonder if it's the same song he's humming all the time!. I like this question!. It's interesting to think about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know people who know of my presence when i walk into a room and the sound of my voice is known to more people than that!. and yeah every day i get a new song stuck in my head so if you knew what it was that morning you could prolly guess it was me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if this helps, but for me this yes, people can!. My parents always whistle in the house when they get home to see if the other one is home, and it always works!. They know its the other one if they sing those 2 simple notes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Lol, there's a guy at my work who unfortunately does not bathe regularly, or at all it seems!. I can actually recognize his presence by his smell before I see or hear him!. Ugh!.

And I'll pass on the Name that Odor!. :-(Www@QuestionHome@Com

sort of!. people can always recognize my style of rhythms i tap on anything and everything!. but it's almost never the same rhythm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com