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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are humans capable of pondering questions to which the answers are beyond th

Question: Why are humans capable of pondering questions to which the answers are beyond the limits of our brains!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the structure and operation of the brain are such that it constantly seeks pattern!. knowing all the things that we know, and seeking ever-greater, larger or more convoluted patterns, we are able to posit certain questions and theories without having the ability to determine the answer - at this time!. that does not mean that, years down the road, another person, exposed to more information, might not be able to answer the question and thus raise the bar for the next one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pondering questions which are beyond the limits of our brain develop thinking and reasoning power!. The Archimedes was pondered by the king a question beyond the limits of his brain!. That is to find the purity of the gold crown without spoiling the shape of the crown, from that pondered question which one beyond the limits of his Archimedes brain we got Archimedes Principal!. Like this from so many pondering questions only so many investigations, discoveries and inventions came our!. So, pondering questions of beyond our limits sharpen our brain!. Science and Technology now we are enjoying are the results of such type of questions only!.so, they type of questions are always needed in our life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, think about it like this!.

In the old days, people thought that cell phones were impossible!. Thinking about them, how they're used and made is really just beyond the limits of old times people's brains, right!? Well then came along some guy that pondered his heart out and created the first cellphone!.

Human beings are just like any other creatures; they they start out curious and then go on fromthere untill they get what they want!.

However, there are also two key elements: want and survival!. This may sound dufus-cakish, but that's okay!. Us humans are into material things, really, only a few of us sacrifice for others!. So, since greedy men is known to want, hard working men are known to fulfill!. The more thibgs are invented, the more man wants, and the less he think he has!. This is where survival comes in!. Humans become so obsessed with newly created things, that pretty soon, everyone has one, and next thing you know, the next generation is born and they are ac costumed to this new item!. So, in fact, the more we gain, the more wasted and lazy we become, and therefore the more we want, and the more we need to survive!.

And that's why I believe humans are capable to ponder questions to which the answers are beyond limits of our brain!. Right now, we're thinking that talking microwaves are out of our league, but trust me, some Harvard graduate is going to invent one, somewhere, somehow!. It's one of man's need for survival, the ability to think that way!. If we couldn't, well, the world would be wasted!.

Sorry if I got kinda off topic!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Human beings, since the evolution of mind from matter and even before that has been inquisitive about the objects surrounding him!. Earlier his only instruments were the senses and he would try to understand only in the light of sensory perception!. As the mind developed he started using logic to explain what his senses percieved!. But since the sensory organs can feel only the outward "mask" of the things his mind was limited to the interpretation of the data thus collected by senses!. Further he developed so called intellect which tried to find out what the world and objects actually represented!. But still the initial instrument are the sensory organs!. This further developed into a subjective study, identifying with objects, seeing ones thoughts and feelings and the intellect, by its nature, can only analyse things by breaking them in bits and pieces, by isolating them from rest of the world, and thus the failure of intellect!.
The world can be understood not by the intellect, but by an intutive faculty, latent still in men, which can see all as one and see the whole without breaking them in bits!. This faculty is working in few individuals but our minds question this, nevertheless it will universalize itself just like mental faculty is universal now and anyone can be active there if he chooses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never taken care of children have you!?
"Why, Why, Why!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!."
Some of their questions, you can answer for them,
some, you know they won't understand the answer,
some, you have no answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's easy to form a question!. The human brain is meant to question, not to know the answer - that must be learned!. Some questions just have more complex answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

good question,
sometimes people are genius and have the ability to think beyond normal human brain, which alow them to firgure things out and create new things!.!.!.
i hope im being relevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure!. I guess this is just one of those questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com