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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that the BEST ACTORS IN REAL LIFE ARE the leaders of society?

Question: Do you think that the BEST ACTORS IN REAL LIFE ARE the leaders of society!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The secret of success is sincerity!. Once you can fake that you have got it made!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Acting entertainment industry in being publicised by a media that publicises simply for the sake of public attention for profit, than any justifiable merit or cause, has created the modern breed of familiar household names dabbling in the already destabilised political and religious arena!.

For the world to regain peace and stability the counsel of the wise would be required to assume power toward the establishing of the assembly of the wise and noble!. However the media has discredited the religious and major political figures and offers in their demise and stead glitzed brainless sycophants unlikely to challenge the colossal might of the God destroying media, industry and partisan competitiveness within politics!.

Multi party politics deludes further in the inference of the public being offered multiple choice in the cause of democracy!. The only successful candidates elected or nominated are those so incompetent, and illegible but willing to bow, grovel and sell their souls if need be to the pervading powers!. This ensures God and his wisdom will be highly unlikely to possess or give of their wisdom and love through such lowly subjugated minions!. Ergo Devil momentarily wins by default!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actor's are banal and have nothing to offer as far public service!. Look at the governor of my state, California, he has done nothing but cater to the rich and court corporate interests!. This is hardly in the best interest of the people!. Just because someone is on T!.V!. or in a movie does not mean that they can run a government, but they sure can be good at getting people to give them lots of money for their campaign!. That seems to be the most important thing at the moment, not the right person for the job, but who is the best at fund raising!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, if you consider that we all are some-how playing a role !.!.!. they are quite successful actors!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I don't see any connections!.Www@QuestionHome@Com