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Position:Home>Philosophy> All Empires ARE BUILT ON THE SHOULDERS of The People?

Question: All Empires ARE BUILT ON THE SHOULDERS of The People!?
But only the leadership of those empires receive the laurels and an eternal place in history!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a reference to the time of the Romans, but applies all throughout history!.

All the hard work of the people (constructing, feeding, breeding, conquering etc!.) is done by the people, but the person who does none of this and directs everyone else to do their bidding, receive the credit for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When the word is "EMPIRE"---it can't be built on people's shoulders!. Rather people are forced to lend their shoulders to the RUDE EMPEROR & His muscle MEN!. You talk about a State, a Country----well, then it's fact that these are built on shoulders of people!. With full respects to all the GOOD emperors in the history, I would dare to say, EMPIRES I hate to bring in my mind & thought!. How it could be built on my shoulder!? Now guess, there were people like me too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no modern distinguished leader of any merit or distinction, only men attempting to make good the divisions and social unrest caused by the worldly state of Armageddon!. Politicos, media and business wage war for dominance and mankind is but a victim pawn in this current state of play!.

The Godhood creed has all but died out, feminism has weakened and debilitated the race of man, and remains tormenting to secure greater power!. The world staggers hopefully toward an early halt, or big bang!.


Yes, until the information age!. Now , for the first time, in man's history the people are now the mind in control of their own fate!. It has already bean to work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

who organized for this monumental thing to be built!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are statements not questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com