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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there life after death ..are we goin to heaven?

Question: Is there life after death !.!.are we goin to heaven!?
wat do u think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, the problem with the whole notion of an afterlife, is that everything about us--our memories, personality, experiences, tastes, talents, etc!.--has a physical basis in our brain!. For instance when you learn something new or lay down a new memory, a group of neurons forms new interconnections!. If you have a stroke, you lose whatever was in that section of your brain, such as memories or motor control of some part of your body!.

Within a few minutes after you die, oxygen deprivation causes your brain cells to shrivel up, severing their connections and essentially erasing all the information that was stored in your brain--every last little thing that made you, you!.

So if there were an afterlife, with souls that survive beyond our physical death, what would these souls be like!? They wouldn't have any memories, since those were in the physical brain!. Ditto for personality!. Since touch, sight, hearing, etc!. are also strictly physical phenomenon, there would be nothing to see, hear, feel, smell, or taste!. We also know that consciousness is a physical phenomenon, because we can affect it with physical substances!. (Otherwise, anesthesia wouldn't work!.) So again, no physical brain, no consciousness!. Hmmm, this isn't leaving a whole lot left!. Actually, not much at all!. The afterlife is starting to look a whole lot like just plain old death!.

So, heaven is supposed to be eternal, right!? Let's say the uncritical person's view of heaven as a sort of paradise that you can experience is true!. Wouldn't you eventually get eternally bored!? What exactly would you expect to be doing in heaven in a thousand years!? In a trillion years!?

In ancient times, primitives invented religions to explain the unexplainable because they did not then have the tools of investigation: rational thought, the scientific method, experimentation, etc!. They thought lightning was spears thrown by the gods and that disease was caused by demonic possession!. Today, science has explained these once unexplainable phenomena in a logical, verifiable manner!. So too with our brain!. No longer a magical black box, we now know quite a bit about how our brains work to do the things they do!. And as near as we can tell, there is really nothing in the brain requiring the existence of an incorporeal soul; pretty much everything seems to have a strictly physical basis!.

So, enjoy this life you have while you're still around to enjoy it!. Odds are pretty darn good it's the only one you'll get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What we understand as life cannot exist beyond itself, that is after it dies!. Better to ask, if there is some form of existence after death and if so what exactly continues!.

Death is an illusion!. The state of matter changes in time but as time is a creation of the mind, there is no death!.

It is like saying that when you blow out the candle, light dies or the candle dies!. Yes, our bodies stop functioning as we have known them to function but this does not effect consciousness and awareness, as these concepts are not of the mind and body!. We know this why!?

Because we can be aware of the mind and the body and the only way that is possible is because awareness is not the mind or body and therefore is not dependent on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life after death is what you want to believe happens!. This is a religious question based on certain belief systems!.

If you want a heaven, you'll have to wait until you die to find out if it's there!. If it isn't, you won't know the difference because you will be dead and gone and not thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe tht if we do go to heaven it will be awsome and u can turn to any age u want and meet alot of ppl tht u really wanted to meet while living!.!.!.!.!.!.and if u dont go to heaven u either stay in ground half living (you can see and feel but cant move) and rot and repeat for all of eternity or you just stay on earth foreverWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read this!. http://www!.worldnetdaily!.com/index!.php!?f!.!.!.
(I promise, it's not a "Jesus is the son of God" page!.)

If you read through the Old Testament, and then read the New closely, you'll find that the traditional Heaven/Hell thing is potentially just that, tradition and nothing more!. It's actually not what's in the Bible!. The point of it all is the Second Coming, where all of the dead will be resurrected, body and soul, and then judged!. Then those judged innocent will enter the new Eden-like Earth of no sin, where God will live amongst his people once again!.

This is just one view, of course!. The Christian tradition very well could be right, or all religions could be wrong!. You just don't know!. The important thing is that you are happy with whatever you choose to believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is life after death, but there is no heaven and hell!.
Here is an example of where you go, either astral world or spirit army!.
