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Position:Home>Philosophy> If your favorite philosopher is Nietzsche what does this say about you?

Question: If your favorite philosopher is Nietzsche what does this say about you!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nietzsche wasn't bad!. He actually had some good ideas and when I go looking for good quotations for the subject line of my LiveJournal he tends to come up!.

Seriously though, I think Nietzsche (I've typed that name a million times--you'd think it would fly off my fingers) challenged the way humanity was willing to blindly subject itself to what others stated religion claimed to be true morality rather than thinking it through themselves!. Simply giving in to those in authority allows those given either perceived power or real power the ability to bend the truth!. However, taking the concept of morality and turning it over to the individual gives them the ability to evaluate what they have been told by authority!.

In other words, Nietzsche is focused on breaking free of the chains we're forced into by believing that we are condemned by not being one of the ones in power and gaining strength through self-acceptance, personal knowledge and growth and refusal to remain oppressed!.

I suppose, if your favorite philosopher is Nietzsche that says that you are an independent thinker, you believe that individuals should seek their own truth, disagree with those who condemn others for not believing the way they do, realize that humanity is prone to seeking power over others (whether this is healthy or not) and feel that life should be lived so that the possibility of living it repeatedly for eternity is not a horror, but a blessing!.

Not so bad, huh!?

ETA: YA won't let me add my sources!.!.!.working on itWww@QuestionHome@Com

that you're a pessimist, lol!.!.!.!. no, seriously!. nah nah, seriously seriously now, i don't know!.!.!. that you're a!.!.!.!. deep thinker! that you like to ponder what it means to be alive, or dead, as the case may be -- the feeling of being dead, i mean!.


I'd say it means you're considerably more well-read than the average person!. I doubt 90% of people know anything about him!.

Otherwise, I agree with DeMerick C above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It says, I'm a fan of Nietzsche!.!.!.Nothing more, nothing less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com