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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe it is possible to find happiness on this plane of existence?

Question: Do you believe it is possible to find happiness on this plane of existence!?
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Yes, as long as one does not get caught up in the quicksands of the horrors of the world!. You speak of planes of existence, then you understand the importance of recognizing that the dream is only what you make it to be!. Happiness is a state of mind, not a possession, nor a person, nor a place!.

Happiness is also NOT that which this time dictates!. The word is grossly over used and much too much weight is placed upon it and what you're spoon feed as to what it is to be happy!. Remember the pursuit of happiness is just that!.!.!.!.!.pursuit, it is a continual endeavor of yourself for ALL planes of existence!.

We all make our own heaven or hell on this plane of existence, it is important to understand that every single thing we CHOOSE to do, is of OUR DOING!. so, as the song goes, make a determination to "just be happy!." and so it will follow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientifically, Spiritually, Religiously or being as a semi-Idiot, I can assure you one fact: HAPPINESS is not a 'matter' to find out! Rather it's a matter To Feel, To Admit! So I do not believe whether one would be ever able to find HAPPINESS anywhere!. For example, if I place you in the HEAVEN, sure you would 'find' (read; feel) happiness!? But how could I place you in the Heave here in this earth!? Yes, there are Heavens! That could be the Palace of Bill Gates or under the shade of the plastic-sheets, the mostly poor fellows sleeps at night here in my poor country! I've seen their feelings for happiness!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, just find something you like to do and do it!.

If you are in a bad situation, get out of it!.

If you are in a rut, change direction!.

If you live in fear, take up sky diving, all other fears will schrink in comparison!.

Budhist have many techniques to purge negative thoughts and feelings!. The end result is they study how to be happy!.

Not being a Budhist, I don't know their secrets, but there are many happy people on the planet so it must be possible!.

Most people I know seem to think I am a happy person!.

My main strategy is when something bothers me I try to do something about it, or find something to do that will make my life closer to my dream world!.

E!.g!. I like sitting up high overlooking the ocean!. A few days ago I rented a place overlooking a Bay!.

My next task is to get enough work so I can afford a stay at home girlfriend to do some of the Bay watching for me!.

Once that happens I will go to the next thing on my to do list!.
If the next can't be done right away I will either move to the next thing or break down my goal to smaller parts, and get part of the task done!.

As long as every day has some progress towards my dream life, it has been a good day!.

If all my dreams fall apart I go look for new ones!.

My only problem is I am too content, and don't get bothered enough to work harder at being happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness is the result of accomplishing a goal!. Unfortunately our society tends to set rather lofty goals!.!.!. most!.!.!. not reachable!. Set a few simpler goals while still keeping the loftier ones in sight!.
Not everyone is going to quarterback the winning team at the Superbowl!.!.!.!. but just about anyone!.!.!. can learn to throw a football through a tire!. Overly simplistic!? Maybe!.!.!. but go throw a football through a tire!.!.!.!. see if that doesn't make ya smile!.
P!.S!. For the seriously literal!.!.!.!. this football reference need not be the only avenue!.!.!.!. take whatever you want to be the best at!.!.!. and find a point between where you are at now and being the best!.!.!.!. and make that a goal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not permanently, nothing is permanent but God!. What we get is opposites, so happiness is just a fleeting illusion!. You can't pursue it, you can only get your house in order and invite it in, and sometimes it comes and sometimes it doesn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

happiness is what you make of it !. you wake up and you are still alive!. you smell the flowers , you look up at the stars, hell help a old lady carry her bags to the car and my personal best feed a homeless personWww@QuestionHome@Com

absolutely!. i hope you believe it too!. you have to believe it exists so you will recognize it when it lands on your doorstep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe happiness is found, I think you create it from your choices and decisions!.

But yes, it can be achieved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it is!. All you have to do is define 'happiness' to suit your parameters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find happiness within yourself and you will be happy in all of life's situations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe!.!.!.i dont think you ever will if you keep thinking like that!.

try not to think about it so hard and let yourself be easily amused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no I dont!.

we are never content,its human nature!.
always wanting more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com