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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will you be my Mentor?

Question: Will you be my Mentor!?
I want a mentor!. I can advance slowly through life with the cards I've been delt, learn, and understand much about the universe within and beyond on my own, but I feel I would advance further and faster with a strong Mentor planting seeds of motivation and with years of experience exploring my subjects of interest!. As in most mentoring programs this may last years or a lifetime!. We may discuss subjects or you may inform me of books to read and assignments to complete!. I want to grow as a being in all directions!. I would very much apprieciate that special Mentor who is willing to spend their time, if only in brief amounts, to help invigorate my future with their steady hand of guidance and motivation!. I thank you in advance for this opportunity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Being 57 years old, I would enjoy sharing any knowledge I might have with someone elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

It definitely is all about , not so much figuring it out yourself, because I think we learn and grow collectively in association with others, but that mentoring raises it's own questions!.!.!. such as " What do you bring of yourself to an education!? What are your experiences!? The teacher-student relationship can be harmful when it is a "bank deposit" model where the teacher simply "deposits" information into the student!. I think the best model is a dialogue model where I learn as much from your experiences and knowledge as you do from mine, and through this exchange a clearer picture of the world emerges!. Anyhow, that is my take on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The enjoyment of life is figuring it out yourself!. You have successes, you make mistakes, you learn from each experience and you live your life and become a unique person, not the shadow of somebody else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Will you listen to me!? I can only guide but !.!.!. will you listen to me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The secret of the sages is that the true essence of life cannot be found in words or thoughts, it is this that keeps many great intellects from finding wisdom!. Words and thoughts can only point you in the direction to truth, but are never themselves the truth!.

I can guarantee you that my words will point you in the direction of wisdom!. You have to be careful of other peoples unconsciousness of which I am completely conscious!. I will never give you beliefs or opinions to follow, I will never say, this is the truth, this is not the truth; it will be for you to decide!.

I can tell you now that in time, looking back, you would not have traded this opportunity for a million dollars!. Destiny is a straight road, it may seem that there are many paths but there is only one!. I guess we'll see how the cards turn up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com