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Position:Home>Philosophy> The meaning of blood is thickre than water...?

Question: The meaning of blood is thickre than water!.!.!.!?
I argue the common understanding of the motto "Blood is thicker than water" That family is more important than friends!.

Why would friends be water!?!?!?

I think it means that family is more important than wanted for yourseld or your own benefit (such as water)!.

Any other opinions!?!?

also, do you know any variations of "Blood is thicker than water" and "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You don't understand the meanings of "blood is thicker than water"

Water is an element in the nature; whereas blood is an important element in our bodies!. In Bible, Blood is referring to life!. That means human lives are more important than material world!.

Both families and friends are blood!. Of course, there are different blood, i!.e!. DNA codes!. Families are in direct blood stream whereas friends are in cross blood stream!. Hence, the relationship among a family is very different from with your friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Blood is thicker than water' simply means that we tend to care for our family more than friends, if you are a teenager like me you might not be able to understand but adults say this quote is so true!. also, family is more likely to help you and be there 'more' for you!. Its interpreted differently by people but to me, this quote is trying to emphasize that family is more important than friends!.(Since family dont often betray, etc!.)

Any variation!? i find it funny that your second quote failed to mention that its an 'apple tree' because without the 'apple-' before the word tree may confuse some people!. The second quote have more interpretation, the first quote may only be directing at the 'family', the second quote could mean 'the boundary', etc!. ie we are all humans, no matter how much one achieved and enlightened, in the end we are all humans, we are all helpless at times, swayed by emotions easily, etc!. Not really same as the first quote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The expression comes from a twelfth century German epic, where it was originally something like "family blood is not spoiled by water!." - Meaning that family bonds do not break apart from various occurrences!. Today's expression -- "blood is thicker than water" -- simply implies that family relationships are stronger than none-familial relationships: a sort of corrupted meaning, compared to the original!.

As for "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," two expressions I found are "he/she's a chip off the old block," and "like father, like son!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

when they say blood is thicker than water it is a comparison between family and friends!.!.!. you would always expect more of a sibling or a parent than you would a friend and you would not feel like you were putting them out like you might be a friend for needing a really big favor!.!.!.but also people have friends that are like their families and I think that these friends would be included in the blood portionWww@QuestionHome@Com

it simply means that the bonds that you create with your family are stronger than the bonds you make with your friends!. Your family will always be your family no matter what!. Your friends may not be your friends for a variety f reasonsWww@QuestionHome@Com

it means that family is more reliable than your friends!. this is not always true just most of the time true!. some people have friends that take place of family and there fore are blood not water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Family is always there, you cant change them but friends!.!.!.though you may have a close bond with them!.!.!.come and go like the tidesWww@QuestionHome@Com