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Question: Question to Philosophy People!?
Got me wondering: say you had a bloke who had a privileged upbringing, an excellent education, got an excellent medical degree, and then for a few years after graduating becomes a ‘bright light’, a talent in the medical field!. Take that man!. With certain levels of education and upbringing, there seems to be a trend in lifestyle - like doctors of this stature might be into high brow literature, golf, rambling, writing books etc!.

Now I wonder if there has ever been such a man who instead takes on a livelhood and lifestyle totally estranged from what is expected of him!. He takes up a job staking shelves, he hangs out in working mans clubs, and lives a nomadic existence, never having a family, casual relationships instead, plays pool with labourers, lives in a trailer, etc!. in other words leads a life that defies everything that he could have chosen (that which he could have chosen being the ‘norm’)!.

Anyone know anyone like that!. You!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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My brother!.
He is an exceptionally talented academic - always outstripped all expectations of him, won specialist awards, has always had the determination and patience to succeed at anything!. A brilliant artist - (he has work displayed in the Tokyo Met!)

He worked for a time as a managing director of an international company - something which was never really in his nature!. He gave it up spent a year drawing, and now does voluntary ecological work!. His ambition is to save a little money to allow him to open a tea shop!. So many people think he is wasting his talents!. And it is true - he could have done just about anything!. But he wouldn't have - because that isn't him!. I feel for him!. He has skills that most people could only dream of, but just because he doesn't choose to use them all to become the best in a particular field or make oodles of cash, doesn't take those skills away!. They are his!. He is married but neither want children!. His wife is an amazing person - so patient and true (she'd have to be - I couldn't live with him!)!. I am jealous of his natural ability but don't for one second feel he is wasting his life - he is happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People generally take occupations because they think they would be happy with the job and its trappings!. Some doctors find that they are not happy with it and join humanitarian groups like Doctors without Borders!.

I enjoy finding out what miracle is going to come along so I can pay the rent!. Such experiences give me a perspective on life that full-time, well paid teachers don't get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do know people like this especially of my age in the '60's who dropped out forseeing that there would be no changing the system from within the system would always eb rigged to beat you in the end!. Not just men!.

I had several lifestyle changes have never used my education to make money - still read books though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my studies of 2 individuals, Foucault and Webber, these two were both bought up in different surroundings, Webber belonged to a group of German philosophers while Foucault was an individual, yet they did very similar work!. Foucault is regarded to have done very little worthwile work, being middle-up business plan, while Webber did bottom-up business plan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I know someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know anyone like that

id love to know what inspired this question!.!.!. !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recall a story about a janitor in NYC who lived a very modest life all his life, and saved every bit he could!. When he died, it turned out that he was actually a self-made millionaire!. He had saved and invested every penny he could!.

Myself, I have a B!.S!. in materials science and am working toward a CCNA in I!.T!. I'm actually kinda poor financially, partly because I can't find any high-paying jobs, but frankly if I did find one I don't see my current lifestyle as changing all that much!. I have no desire to live in a giant $250K home with 2 SUV's in the garage!. I think people who buy coffee from Starbucks are wasting their money!. And I get most of my movie rentals from the local library--by choice!.

With certain high-paying jobs there is a very important social-networking component needed to get there and to advance any further!. This often entails taking on a certain lifestyle, hanging out with certain people at certain places doing certain things, always making and using your connections to others!. So to a degree it's inevitable for some jobs!. Still, I think for a lot of people in those positions it's also a lifestyle they sincerely enjoy!. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just not for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i know of people in both groups!. i even know a guy who is homeless by choice but wears suits!. nice ones at that!. he is covered in tattoos (not that i have anything against tattoos) this man is a guy who i know is from a wealthy family and if he wanted to could have gone to college and led a productive life!. instead he hangs around a rough crowd sleeping on park benches and couches!. it is what makes him happy so who am i or anyone else to say he is wrong or not normal!. of the people i know in the first group most of them are not happy and have gone through more than one divorce!. a person should do what makes them happy no matter who they are or what that thing is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. To an extent, anyway!.

I'm thinking of three people = myself and my friend, who both have degrees from Oxford University, and someone else I knew (a friend who I've lost touch with) who has a first from Cambridge!.

None of us are career oriented!. It's much more important to enjoy life!. The Cambridge girl took up dancing (in a small way), I made a bit of money for a while but am now a year into a career break, and my friend teaches english in Germany!.

We could have made so much more of our careers, but that would have meant making big sacrifices to our personal lifes, and we weren't prepared to do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com