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Position:Home>Philosophy> What did Martin Heidegger mean when he wrote that we need to let Being be?

Question: What did Martin Heidegger mean when he wrote that we need to let Being be!?
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It is complicated!.!.!.!.well i think so having sat Through lectures on phenomenology and ontology!.!.!.!.
To study the nature of being in an objective way is impossible due to the baring life and culture has on oneself and that perception of being is always fogged by our past experience and therefore forever changing and evolving!.

Hence Heidegger did spend much of his latter years in seclusion to try to avoid this fog and rely on inner being for philosophical contemplation

So with regards to the study of ontology!.!.!.!.!.let being beWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know, but I'll tell you what it means to me; it may be close to what he meant!. Being is the ultimate reality, out of which everything in creation arises!. It's the source of everything!. I think the state of the world is such that people become disconnected from their source!. We turn against it!. We say no to it!. We deny it!. We don't let it be!. This is saying no to life!. It is the cause of all suffering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think he meant that we need to leave people alone a bit and stop trying to take people apart psychologically!. sometimes it helps but for most of us it doesn't do anything but tear down necessary walls for us to survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com