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Position:Home>Philosophy> How much influence do you believe your zodiac has to do with who you are?

Question: How much influence do you believe your zodiac has to do with who you are!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it has some truth to it!. Every good lie is based on a little truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

None!.In reality your surroundings,the influence of others,or yourself makes up who you are!.Not some damn zodiac!.But let those who believe,believe!.

He who ask fourtunetellers the future unwittingly forfeits an inner intimation of coming events that is a thousand times more accurate than what they may say!.
Walter Benjamin 1892-1940!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People can choose to see or deny their likenesses towards their zodiac but the fact of the matter is that most people could relate to a number of zodiacs rather than just their own!.

How people see themselves doesn't always match what their parents see them as, what their psychologist sees them as, what their priest sees them as or what their friends see them as!.

How are we to judge how close a zodiac truly is to us when we hardly know who we are, ourselves, at times!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

None, because zodiacs are just mythology-based magical thinking!. We have free will!. Our actions and lives are unaffected by what time of year it is or where the other planets happen to be located at!.

also, astrologers failed to take a lot of stuff into account!. Like the new planets that get discovered from time to time at the fringe of our solar system!. (Astrology was invented centuries before anything beyond Saturn was known!.) Or the asteroids in the asteroid belt!. Or our own moon, which is far closer to us than any of the other planets!.

Finally, it just makes no sense that 1/12th of the population should have similar lives and/or personality types just because they were born under the same sky constellation!. There's simply no mechanism for that to happen!. And, there are way more than 12 personality types!. (Or 13, if you count Ophiuchus, the oft-forgotten 13th zodiac!.) Things like our parents, our culture, our friends, our upbringing, what we're taught, etc!. have infinitely more effect on shaping who we are than any mystical zodiac sign ever could!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The other answers aren't talking aout getting a full chart done and it's obvious they're only referring to sun signs and they know nothing about astrology or how it works!.

Get a full chart done professionally!.

When I was 19 I had my astrological chart done!. I was very skeptical, and I felt no stranger could possibly understand me!. Was I ever wrong!.

This astrologer knew my inner self more than my parents, boyfriend, best friend (I did try to hide my self a lot, figuring if they really knew how I was inside, they wouldn't like me)!. It was a turning point in my life!. I studied it further and understood the cycles of life, the motives of others (and you can't even imagine how cool this to have socially---others are just so drawn to you when you know astrology!), and best of all, who I was and why I'm here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

before, i strongly believe and depend on that!.!.but then, i lost my interest and got slightly believe like about 20%!.!.because some of them are correct, and applies in my life!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't beleive in zodiac signs, they are not true and they are just there to mislead us!. And I don't want that thing influence me at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A big fat ZERO!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not a damn thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com