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Question: The universe!?
what is your philosophy on the universe and existence of everything ever existing!. like my idea is that we are just a speck of sand to a greater world!. we are nothing!. one catastrophe could strike in the bigger world and all of our existence would be wiped out forever!. OR!.!.!.!.!.we are the big universe, and everything is smaller than us!. we control everything!. if there is a little cell on our hand and we itch our hand, that cell will fall off and some tiny world just like ours will go extinct! are we the ONLY ones!? is there a fifth dimension!?!?!?!? what is your point of view on everything!. i will enjoy reading the answers!.!.!.!.!. thank you! ; D trippy stuff!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really like your philosophy on this matter, and mine is almost the same!. I believe we are insignificant compared to the universe, there are uncountable stars & universe & dimensions(string theory suggests there are about 11), a single disaster(ie black whole) could wipe us out, we are too powerless and therefore insignificant!.

But if you look at this matter on different angle you will also realize that we are also significant compared to the little things on earth!. ie ants, their 'ant house' is completely insignificant in our point of view, billions of dust mites are also small and insignificant!.

My philosophy: We are insignificant, however the 'insignificant' things happening in our small world is also 'significant' to us!. We as ourselves are significant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Universe and Existence of everything was, is, and will be, in a continuous manner!. Regardless of us individual humans!. But we humans are actually part of it, not separate!.

You can easily find a miracle in a blade of grass!. Me, I'm gonna go find a beer!.

"also Sprach Zarathustra" by Nietzsche pretty much covers an introduction to his often mis-interpreted works!.

Happy searching for the truth!.!.!.and good luck, because you're an elite member of an exceptional class of self-replicating molecules who actually want to understand the meaning of the Universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe in the material sense is only understood in how much our minds can grasp it, so how we see the world is actually how we create it in our minds!.

Some theory:
4th dimension is the long body of life, that is, our life as a whole is fourth dimension, or all life and what we call time!.

5th dimension is the repetition of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Universe (Capitalized) is a living being!. The Universe is a physical creature and we like bacteria are embedded within its body!. The Inversee exists both above and below us--we are, size wise--exactly in the middle!. The Universe, the entire cosmos we see when we look out at the night sky filled with stars, is just like an embryo growing within a Mothers womb!. Each second it comes closer to perfection of form!. The Univers then, as an embryo, is surrounded by "Nothing" And this "nothingness" is all inclusive, for it surrounds the Universe which is the only thing that is!. The Universe then, is actually God, totally, completely, in every respect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've tried to figure it out and you end up just spinning your tires and you end up more confused than when you started!. with every answer you find that answer opens up many more questions!. so you actually move backwards!. i gave up a long time ago and figured out that the universe and life is about being happy!. at the end of the day that is all that matters!. when you die!. all you need to be able to say is that i was happy!. and i brought happiness to others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God created the universe!. He created this earth for his spirit children, us!. He has created worlds without number and there is life like us on other worlds!. This place is a testing ground!. God placed us here to see if we would be obedient to his commandments!. How are you doing!? I struggle at times but am trying my best to make him proud of me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything has potential!. I believe in living my life in such a way that when I die even the undertaker will feel sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the first of what you had put!. I belive there is something much more out there controling us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are correct, we are completely meaninglessWww@QuestionHome@Com

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